Teachers' toolkit
We’ve teamed up with the Association for the Teaching of Psychology (ATP) to create a free toolkit to support your teaching.
Latest resources
- Teacher's Toolkit - Activity Sheet - Descriptive Statistics
- Teacher's Toolkit - Activity Sheet - Food Glorious Food
- Teacher's Toolkit - Activity Sheet - Hypothesis Writing
- Teacher's Toolkit - Activity Sheet - Reliability and Validity
- Teacher's Toolkit - Activity Sheet - Teaching Split-Brain Studies
Previous resources
- Teacher's Toolkit - Assessment for Learning
- Teacher's Toolkit - A Student's Guide to Personal Statements
- Teacher's Toolkit - Neurotransmitters made easy
- Teacher's Toolkit - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Teacher's Toolkit - Understanding ADHD
- Teacher's Toolkit - Utilising Positive Psychology to Address Student Anxiety in Schools
Sample job profiles
- Sample job profile - clinical psychologist
- Sample job profile - counselling psychologist
- Sample job profile - educational psychologist
- Sample job profile - forensic psychologist
- Sample job profile - health psychologist
- Sample job profile - neuropsychologist
- Sample job profile - occupational psychologist
- Sample job profile - psychological wellbeing practitioner
- Sample job profile - sport and exercise psychologist
Open evening/intro to psychology
Pastoral and Mental Health
Personal statements
Research methods
- Advice on carrying out psychology practical work during Covid-19 restrictions
- Ethics in practical research activities for pre-tertiary psychology teachers and students
- How to report on experimental psychological investigations
- How to report on psychological correlational investigations
- Interpreting Critical Value Tables
- Non-Parametric Testing Graphic
- Parametric Testing Graphic
- Practice investigations
- Statistical tests
- Taking the Fear out of Maths
- Teaching mathematical skills through key studies in psychology
Here you can find links to videos and interviews to help inform your students all about the different forms of psychology out there.
We are psychologists - the BPS
Written by and starring our amazing members, this short film shows what brings psychologists together in one profession and one BPS. -
We are psychologists - Dan O'Hare
A brief interview with educational psychologist, Dan O' Hare. -
We are psychologists - Hamira Riaz
A brief interview with clinical psychologist and business consultant, Hamira Riaz. -
We are psychologists - Lloyd Emeka
A brief interview with student group committee member, Lloyd Emeka. -
We are psychologists - Steven Sylvester
A brief interview with business and sport psychologist, Steven Sylvester. -
We are psychologists - Sagheer Hussain
A brief interview with registered and chartered Forensic Psychologist, Sagheer Hussain. -
We are psychologists - Veronia Warn
A short interview with registered and chartered Forensic Psychologist, Veronica Warn. -
We are psychologists - Theresa Gannon
A short interview with registered and chartered Forensic Psychologist, Professor Theresa Gannon. -
We are psychologists - Samantha Chan
A brief interview with trainee Forensic Psychologist, Samantha Chan. -
We are psychologists - Liz Gochrist
A brief interview with registered and chartered Forensic Psychologist, Professor Liz Gochrist.
More materials
Browse for additional videos and materials on the BPS YouTube Channel.