Submit a test for review
Benefits for test publishers
Some of the benefits of submitting a test for registration and review are:
- Tests that succeed in meeting the criteria for Registration will be awarded a Certificate of Registration by the BPS, which you can use to promote your test
- The use of the BPS Registered Test logo
- The test will appear as a Registered Test on our website
- Registration is granted for a period of 5 years
- The full review and registered test status will be linked to your entry on the List of Test Publishers
- The opportunity to raise the profile of your test through our website
What are the review criteria?
Test reviews are a full review of a test, reviewed independently by two Reviewers and two Editors against the European Federation of Psychologists Association Review Model for the Description and Evaluation of Psychological Tests (The EFPA Review Model). View more information in About BPS test reviews and registration [UPDATE TO CORRECT LINK]
How to submit a test for review
For information on how to submit a test for review, the materials required and a schedule of fees, download the information and application pack.
- Test review information and application pack for test publishers/distributors [LINK DOCUMENT]