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Showing 423 results for: BPS History of Psychology Centre

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    Victorian Mathematicians, War-time Psychologists and 70s Disco Dancers: Mary Boole Stott and Careers Advice in the BPS Archive

    For this instalment of the History of Psychology Centre blog, we’re exploring the life of an exceptional, but largely forgotten former BPS member, Mary Boole Stott (1893–1962).

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    Learning from experiences – the pioneering Life of Marie Jahoda

    Sophie O’Reilly, from our History of Psychology department, is back again with a fascinating look at the life of pioneering social psychologist, Marie Jahoda (1907-2001).

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    Charlotte Wolff – Pioneering Research

    Who was Charlotte Wolff and why is her life and research something to remember during LGBTQ History Month?

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    BPS and Equality

    The following article has been provided by Sophie O’Reilly, Assistant Archivist and part of the society’s History of Psychology Centre.

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    100 Years of Member Networks

    The 24th of October marks the 118th anniversary of the formation of the British Psychological Society as well as 100 years since the first BPS Member Networks were formed.

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    Beginnings in occupational psychology: The National Institute of Industrial Psychology

    This year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the formation of the National Institute of Industrial Psychology (NIIP).

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    May you live until 120

    It is a tradition when I was brought up to wish family and friends a long life - how long is long? "May you live to be 120" they would say.

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    The Personality of British Lawn Tennis Players

    With Wimbledon now underway our Assistant Archivist, Lucy Parker, would like to use this opportunity to highlight the pioneering work of Barbara Knapp in tennis and psychology.

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    'Restraint, power and fineness' - remembering W.H.R. Rivers

    04 June 2022 marks the 100th anniversary since the death of one of the original BPS founders, W.H.R. Rivers.

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    Lessons from history

    It is difficult to write a blog at this time without reflecting on experiences over the past few corona virus filled months.

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    History of Psychology Centre

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    Guide to Virtual Assessment Centres

    The success of any VAC will depend on the suitability, reliability and effectiveness of the technology platform(s) used for delivery.

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      • IQ test

        History of IQ testing

        02 February 2024

        The BPS History of Psychology Centre will be creating a resource that explores the history and wider social implications of IQ testing.

        • BPS updates
        • Ethics and morality
        • History and philosophy
      • Filming an interview

        Broadening the Society archive

        07 November 2022

        The BPS History of Psychology Centre is appealing for donations of records relating to Black Psychology and Black Psychologists in the UK.

        • BPS updates
        • Equality, diversity and inclusion
        • Race, ethnicity and culture
        • Teaching and learning