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Showing 1855 results for: BPS Communications

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    Communications officer

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    DCP Communications Subcommittee

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    Communicating a diagnosis of dementia

    The focus of this paper is on issues around sharing a diagnosis of dementia with the person with dementia and the family.

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    Children, young people and mental health: communicating in an online world

    The following article has been produced by Rosie Horne, who recently joined our Policy Team here at The British Psychological Society.

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    A week in the life of the BPS

    Matilda Farndon and Isabelle McIvor are in Year 11 studying GCSE Psychology and due to sit their exams this summer. They recently spent a week doing work experience at the BPS shadowing various teams, and have written the following about their experience.

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    BPS style guide for authors and editors

    This document lays out guidelines for authors, editors and staff members involved in the production of written material for publication (advertisements, reports, press releases).

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    BPS supports focus on mental health from Liberal Democrats in a positive start to manifesto week

    The BPS responds to the launch of the Liberal Democrats manifesto.

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    BPS seen as strong ally by the LGBTQIA+ communities – but involvement in Pride long overdue

    The BPS secured a place in London Pride on July 2 for the first time in the event’s 50-year history. Rob Agnew, a member of the Sexualities Section who worked on the bid, looks back on the day and reflects and on why it was so significant.

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    Kick-start your career with a BPS student membership

    Our student membership opens many doors - both while you’re studying at university and throughout your future career.

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    BPS Dementia Report Launch - Wales

    BPS President Professor Peter Kinderman headed to Wales recently to support the launch of the society’s report into dementia at the National Assembly for Wales, and thankfully Vicki Evans was on hand to provide this short report/recap of what went on.

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    To tweet or not to tweet, that is the question

    Jonathan Calder of the BPS Press Team, lays out some of the reasons and rationale behind the use of the society twitter account(s).

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