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Showing 207 results for: Asch

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          • Movie watchers wearing 3d glasses

            Asch’s "conformity study" without the confederates

            22 October 2010

            In the 1950s Solomon Asch found that when it came to making public judgments about the relative lengths of lines, some people were willing to agree with a majority view that was clearly wrong.

            • Methods and statistics
            • Social and behavioural
          • The line between conformity and resistance

            09 December 2014

            Jolanda Jetten and Matthew J. Hornsey take another look at Solomon Asch’s famous line-judgement studies.

            • History and philosophy
            • Social and behavioural
          • A representation of Psyche, taken from the BPS logo

            Paul Rozin: Time management

            04 October 2009

            Paul Rozin is Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania where he also acts as co-director of the school’s Solomon Asch Center for the Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict. This post is part of the Research Digest 'One nagging thing I still don't understand about myself' series.

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