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Showing 3 results for: Andrew Walmsley

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    Speak now...

    "...or forever hold your peace" is a phrase which seems to have fallen out of fashion in weddings lately.

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    One year later: looking back, and looking ahead

    It's been just over a year now since I took on the role of Online Content Manager here at The British Psychological Society, so I felt it was about time to put together a round-up explaining some of the work that has gone on behind the scenes over the last twelve months, as well as letting you know about some of the upcoming developments we have in store.

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    Forward, not backward, upward, not forward

    From where I'm sitting the above title (drawn from one of my favourite episodes of The Simpsons) quite accurately sums up the laudable, occasionally maddening, and frequently contradictory goals and aims of our ongoing project to upgrade our online content and resources.

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