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Guest hosts – Thank you!

Eight weeks, eight guest hosts

22 May 2014

ByJon Sutton

Since the beginning of April, host duties on the blog have been handled by a series of eight excellent psychologists and bloggers. We have now come to the end of their time, and would like to say a massive thank you to each of them for seeing us through this transition period in such fine style.

In case you missed any of their posts, we collect them together here. Please do visit their own blogs, follow them on Twitter etc.

Dr Pete Etchells, Lecturer in Psychology at Bath Spa University and Science Blog Co-ordinator for The Guardian, wrote for us on inflated praise for your children, stress and public speaking, and the impact of TV and video games on the well-being of children.

Neuroskeptic, a British neuroscientist who blogs for Discover Magazine, tackled the fading affect biasaversive racism, and facial expressions as social camouflage.

Jennifer Bazar, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto/Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care and an Occasional Contributor to the Advances in the History of Psychology blog, considered whether psychology has its own vocabulary, the exercise metaphor of memory, and the power of photographs in historical records of asylums.

Tom Stafford, a psychologist from the University of Sheffield who is a regular contributor to the Mind Hacks blog, turned his attention to self-fulfilling fallacies in gambling, the potential cognitive benefits of alcohol, and interventions for implicit bias.

Melanie Tannenbaum, UIUC Social Psych PhD Candidate and Scientific American Blogger, considered views of income inequality, offensive slurs and group status, and the obesity labelling debate.

Dorothy Bishop, Professor of Developmental Neuropsychology and a Wellcome Principal Research Fellow at the Department of Experimental Psychology in Oxford, Adjunct Professor at The University of Western Australia, Perth, and a runner up in the 2012 UK Science Blogging Prize for BishopBlog, gave the clinical reality of neurodevelopmental disorders before turning to the importance of replication and the enigma of dyslexic musicians.

Petra Boynton, Senior Lecturer in International Primary Care Research, University College London and the Telegraph's Agony Aunt, covered studies on stigma and miscarriage, sex following lower limb amputation, and faking orgasms.

Last but by no means least, Chris Chambers, a psychologist and neuroscientist based at Cardiff University, contributed this week on anti-depressant brain stimulationreplication, and cognitive training to boost self-control.

Many thanks again to all for such fascinating coverage and for bringing new visitors to the blog. To those people, we hope you will stay tuned. Remember you can follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook or subscribe to our fortnightly email (soon to be available in html form).

There will now be radio silence for a week or so, before some big news…