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Episode 4: The psychology of gift giving

We look at the benefits of giving “giver-centric” gifts, and learn the two words that can salvage that awkward situation when a gift doesn’t go down too well.

16 December 2015

By PsychCrunch

Could psychology help you with your Christmas shopping?

In episode 4 of PsychCrunch, our presenter Christian Jarrett and his guests discuss the benefits of giving "giver-centric" gifts, and why recipients like to receive gifts on their wish lists. They also discuss the reasons that ethical or pro-social gifts are sometimes not so warmly received, and the two words that can salvage that awkward situation when a gift doesn't go down too well.

Our guests in order of appearance are Lisa Cavanaugh USC Marshall School of Business, Lara Aknin of Simon Fraser University, and Alex Fradera, contributing writer to the Research Digest blog.


Research discussed in this episode includes:

Episode credits

Presenter/editor/producer Dr Christian Jarrett.

Vox pops Ella Rhodes.

Music and mixing Dr Catherine Loveday and Jeff Knowler.

Jingle Bells vocals Joe Loveday.

Artwork Tim Grimshaw.