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Do Northerners really feel the cold less?

Or is this just a stereotype with no basis in fact?

28 December 2011

ByChristian Jarrett

In Britain, we all know the stereotype of hardy Northerners: out on the town on a Winter's night, arms and legs bare, seemingly oblivious to the cold.

But do people up North really feel the cold less?

According to a report in yesterday's Times newspaper by Paul Simons, an ongoing survey is aiming to find out.

Initial results from this research by the Met Office and Open Air Laboratories suggests that people feel the cold just as much regardless of which region they live in.

Moreover, contrary to the myth, there's some evidence that Northerners are more likely to change their clothing than Southerners, be that for warmth or to be cooler.

Another emerging finding is a rural/urban divide, with rural folk being more likely to don coats in colder weather.

"Whether this is due to an urban climate is difficult to say," Simons writes, "but towns and cities can generate their own microclimates which affect temperature."

Useful links

Link to the research on people's response to the cold (there's still time to take part)
Link to Times article "Weather Eye: northerners vs southerners" (subscription required)