South West Review
The South West Review covers items appealing to a wide audience, from practising psychologists, academics, and students, to anyone who has a general interest in psychology.
Scheduled publication frequency:
- Four issues per a year
- Editor: Dr Barry Cripps
- Assistant Editor: Ann Cripps
For general enquiries please email [email protected]
For copyright enquiries and permissions requests please email [email protected]
To contribute please send your submissions to [email protected]
Each South West Review prints the contents on the outside back page of the cover; the usual Editorial and Chair's Notes followed by:
'Psychology in the Pub' reviews
Reviews of the PIP talk from hubs in the South West area and Channel Islands. At the beginning of the talk a request is made for a volunteer to write a review.
This invitation is open to anyone, members of the public, students and of course all Branch members. Please indicate clearly, date, venue, speaker and name of reviewer.
Behind the scenes at a 'Psychology in the Pub' event.
An interview with the PIP speaker, generally a follow-up interview via email.
One-to One interview
Covering an interview with professionals providing a spotlight on aspects of their practice, or how their careers have developed. If you would be interested in being a participant yourself please contact the Editor for further information.
The interview could aim to disseminate best practice in psychology, and provide others with an insight into how careers in the psychology have developed.
Research article
A review of a significant research article in your field, or a part of your own research. An opportunity to summarise the latest findings in your field.
The article should follow this suggested layout: a short explanation of the hypotheses, methodology, findings and a short summary of the key 'learning points of the research'.
Event reviews
A review from anyone of any psychology event you have attended, for example, Annual Conference, Division Conference, CPD event, training event, lecture and so on…
Book reviews
A book review of around 500 to 1000 words providing a brief overview of the book's contents, a context for its existence, why it is useful and for whom is very welcome.
Letters offering suggestions, ideas for communication in the future.
Please do not send a blog without a paragraph inviting readers to open the link.
Please note: a blog is published, the platform it's published on is the publisher. So if you are re-publishing the content, you need permission. The only time you don't need permission is where the blog is marked with a Creative Commons licence i.e. CC-BY.
General guidance
Please write abbreviations and technical terms in full and follow your own clear structure. Personal reflections add colour. Clear photo images are welcomed.
Please submit as a Word document by email to [email protected].
Please use Arial font, size 12 (double-line spacing), and include reference lists in the British Psychological Society's Style Guide format (where necessary) and an accurate word count.
Please provide your contact details (email at a minimum) in case of queries and the name, title and any other information you would like to be shown against your submission in the newsletter.
We reserve the right to edit items where necessary.
Please note: events and/or advertising of events in the South West Review will need to be have BPS Compliance before insertion.
Please note: hard copy subscriptions are not available for this publication.
Single issues are available for purchase in pdf format via the BPS Shop online.
Members of the British Psychological Society can download copies of the review for free.
Download issues of the South West Review
For queries regarding subscription please contact [email protected] quoting 'South West Review subscriptions' in the subject line.