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Please note: the BPS cannot endorse or recommend individual members. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the background, qualifications and experience of members.
It is always recommended that you speak to your GP for advice before reaching out.
Directory of Chartered Psychologists
This directory is designed to help you find a Chartered Psychologist offering services to the public in your area, and can be filtered by specialism and/or clientele as necessary. The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) are the regulator for Practitioner Psychologists in the UK.
List of Chartered Members
Use this list to confirm whether a member has achieved chartered status. The title Chartered Psychologist is legally recognised and reflective of the highest standard of psychological expertise.
Directory of Aviation and Aerospace Psychologists
This directory allows the aviation industry to find potential consultants to assist with their aviation or aerospace psychology needs. Psychologists and AOC holders are referred to the UK Civil Aviation Authority for details of specific industry requirements.
Directory of Expert Witnesses
This directory is open to all Chartered Psychologists to enable them to advertise their services. The society does not endorse or recommend individual members and makes no statement as to the experience or competence of the individuals featured in this directory.
Directory of Media Production Psychologists
This directory includes Chartered Psychologists who have experience and expertise in working with media production companies to assist them in meeting their duty of care obligations as set out in Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code.
Directory of Voluntary Careers Speakers
The Directory of Voluntary Careers Speakers lists society members who are happy to give careers talks to schools and other institutions. Once someone has chosen to be a Voluntary Careers Speaker their profile will become visible on this list.
Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors
Whether you’re looking for a coordinating supervisor for one our society qualifications or looking for a psychologist to supervise your practice, this is the place to look. All registrants are certified as meeting the requirements for registration through training and experience as supervisors.
Register of Coaching Psychologists
This register has been developed to provide recognition for Coaching Psychologists, allowing them to differentiate their services and gain acknowledgement of their expertise.
Register of Psychologists Specialising in Psychotherapy
The Register of Psychologists Specialising in Psychotherapy allows qualified psychologists to demonstrate their experience in the field of psychotherapy.
Register of Qualifications in Test Use
The Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU) is the official record of all test users who have been awarded qualifications in educational, forensic or occupational test use by the British Psychological Society.
Specialist Register of Clinical Neuropsychologists
The Specialist Register of Clinical Neuropsychologists is the society’s register of qualified neuropsychologists. The SRCN allows users to identify individuals who are recognised as Clinical Neuropsychologists by the UK’s professional body of psychologists.
External Examiners/Viva Examiners
This searchable list includes details of psychologists who have expressed an interest in providing services as an external examiner and/or viva examiner. Results can be filtered by distance, subject area, and by qualification level.
Gender Diversity Specialist Register
The register is for psychologists who are registered as experts in this field and possess all the requisite knowledge and understanding to practice competently and ethically. The vast majority of registrants will be working within NHS Gender Identity Clinics.
National Assessors
The role of the National Assessor is to facilitate the appointment of the most appropriate candidates and reduce the risk of inappropriate appointments within the recruitment and selection of consultant applied psychologists in health and social care, including those in academic positions.
Wider Psychological Workforce Register
This voluntary register is for practitioners working as part of the psychological workforce in a role not regulated by law. It enables psychological practitioners to demonstrate that they have the necessary knowledge, skills and competence to practise in their role.