Psychology Matters: Psychology at work
Psychology Matters in the workplace
Psychology Matters in creating healthy, successful, and productive workplaces where all employees thrive.
With our governments making important policy decisions on employment rights and supporting people back into work, a psychological perspective has never been more important.
This workstream highlights how Psychology Matters in the world of work, and how it supports employee wellbeing and productivity. We’re looking at the role of psychology in all aspects of the workplace, from supporting effective organisational leadership, to what makes a psychologically safe working environment.
It also features our award-winning campaign on staff wellbeing in the NHS, and beyond. Not only that, but we’ll also be sharing how we are supporting and advocating for the psychological workforce.

Opportunities and challenges
Ian MacRae, a member of the BPS’s Division of Occupational Psychology, explores five trends that will continue to shape the world
Share your work
Do you work in the organisational and business space and have an impact story to share with us? We'd love to hear more. Email [email protected] to tell us about it.

Protect the future of NHS staff mental health and wellbeing services
We're calling for investment in vital mental health and wellbeing support for NHS and social care staff.
Psychology at work - latest news

Psychology at work - latest news
Read the latest news and insights from this workstream.