Child mental health

Psychology Matters: Early intervention and prevention

Psychology Matters in promoting good health and wellbeing for all.

Psychology is key to developing effective early intervention and prevention strategies that can transform lives, prevent ill-health, and promote wellbeing.

We know Psychology Matters in early intervention and prevention.  Psychology has an important contribution to make, whether it’s advocating for trauma-informed care, tackling loneliness and isolation, working with prisoners to prevent reoffending, promoting preventative public health initiatives, or supporting children in education. 

Not only that, but psychology has a vital part to play in tackling social and health inequities. 

Through this workstream, we are showcasing the role of psychology in early intervention and prevention by highlighting the impact of your work across the psychological professions.

Psychology Matters logo. It is a purple speech bubble with Psychology Matters written in a white font.
Heather Connolly is sitting at her desk, and is smiling directly at the camera. She is wearing a blue stripy top. Behind her is a shelf with plants and ornaments.
Member spotlight

Psychology Matters: ‘It transforms lives and fosters a holistic approach to health that benefits everyone”.

Chartered Health Psychologist Heather Connolly tells us how she uses health psychology to empower people and transform lives.   

Share your work 

Are you working on early intervention or prevention initiatives? We'd love to hear more. 

Email [email protected] to tell us about it.

Children playing with children at nursery edited

Fight for an inclusive education system

We're campaigning to urgently address the need for more educational psychologists in local authorities.

Early intervention and prevention - latest news