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Women in science

New online database.

05 July 2018

While women make up a majority of psychologists in the UK, they still remain under-represented and their achievements often under-recognised. The British Psychological Society, Royal Holloway, University of London and the British Neuroscience Association have announced a new online database of female academics in psychology and neuroscience to help tackle this problem.

The Women in Science Database (WISDATABASE) already has around 400 entries at the time of writing and is open to female psychologists and neuroscientists in academia, industry and the third sector. Narender Ramnani, Professor of Neuroscience at Royal Holloway University of London and chair of the project, said: 'Women scientists are under-represented in positions of visibility, influence and authority in every area of scientific activity for example, funding panels, senior academic decision-making roles, and keynote speakers at conferences. Our project will play a part in levelling the playing field.

'WISDATABASE will make the achievements and expertise of women scientists public and searchable so that they can be recruited into positions of influence quickly and easily. Increasing diversity impacts positively on science as it does in every other sphere.' 

To join the WISDATABASE go to