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What would you say to undergraduate you?

We asked on X (formerly known as Twitter) and LinkedIn.

04 September 2023

Dr Lelanie Smook on LinkedIn
A Psychologist's career is fulfilling, but also demanding. It can be lots of pressure and you'll feel pulled and pushed in a variety of directions but it's so worthwhile. Remember it's about people, relationships and supporting clients to minimise suffering, and maximise potential. Stay curious, you'll get there!

Rachel Grace on LinkedIn
There will be things that interest you and things that don't. But when you're a practising psychologist you'll be surprised by how often you return to what you learnt in those years and that it has served as a foundation to your understanding of what psychology is and can offer society.

The Bridge @BridgePsych
Don't over-pathologise. In 30 years' time, the media and social media will do that for you. Help people learn to handle a perfectly normal emotional range.

Trinity Psychology @TrinityPsycho
Try not to hate research methods. It might seem dry but honing and refining your research methodology is key to holding integrity in the work you produce.

Samuel Freeman on Linkedin
Never assume anything! Just because you've read plenty of books, gone through countless articles online and spoken to vast numbers of individuals from all walks of life, it doesn't mean you know it all.

Dr Nuke @TheNewImposter
Don't get swamped by all the research and empirical findings. Focus on identifying the best evidence-based theories and models and use them to construct a map of psychological territory, including cognitive architecture, affective systems and levels of consciousness.

Rebecca B @RebeccaBakr33
'Engage with people, ask questions and have discussions.'

Alison Norwood on Linkedin
I'd tell myself (and others) that clinical is not the only path.

Suzanne Guest @suzguest
Look for volunteer/work experience early on. You'll find a client group or a way of working that is right for you. Psychology is a broad subject, explore all the areas. You may surprise yourself!

Jesiqua Rapley @JesiquaR
Try and make connections between theories and concepts to real world experiences. Looking for examples in pop culture and your own life can make retaining difficult concepts much easier.

Anushree Sekher on Linkedin
Take things one day at a time. Do not expect to learn and know everything. It's impossible. 

Tanteatree @tanteatree
Always buy books secondhand. Make appointments with lecturers. Revise the modules you hate the most!

Sue Vickers-Thompson @psvt2
Still go for the DPhil but this time, finish it!

Dr Gerard Rodgers @gerardrodgers
I would say don't be afraid!

Jennifer Ashmore @jenashmore4
Make sure you have a good self-care routine (not the self-care routines Instagram tell you about) and do little bits of studying often, as you can easily become overwhelmed if not.

Tahani @tahanimyra
Rejection is redirection!!!

Dr Jenny Rose @DrJennyRose
A good night's sleep is priceless, pack earplugs for the years in halls!

PS Blaney @mind_pb10
Plan funding for all stages of career, you may need to save up for the next course. Not everything is funded the same. You are good enough no matter what you come across. Try and join a research group or get clinical experience ASAP.

Rodders @HealthPsyChi
Stay open to new opportunities. Trust your gut, not your head or your heart. Stay curious and interested in the world. Remember to look outside psychology from time to time. Enjoy the journey – it goes faster than you think.