Our editor Jon Sutton introduces a special collection.
10 September 2019
Psychologists have been going 'under' since the dawn of the discipline…delving into the depths of the subconscious, studying the effects of being under pressure to perform, going 'under' in hypnosis. But last year, while reading Robert Macfarlane's excellent Underland, it occurred to me that there are modern-day psychologists inhabiting both metaphorical and literal 'underworlds'. So the idea for this special issue, loosely themed around the word 'under', emerged.
Through these pages we dig into the psychology around diving and caving, our own hidden depths (or lack of them), the impact of working under a hierarchy or rooting for the underdog, and more as a seam running through much of the edition.
What aspects of 'under' have we failed to surface? If you're feeling under represented, under funded, under appreciated, do raise a hand as we would consider a follow up. And of course, don't get over-excited, but there may be scope for a flipside issue on 'over'…
Under pressure
A special feature from our Research Digest
Fixing problems under the surface
Laura Walton takes psychology underwater
From underworlds to outerworlds
Nathan Smith
What lies beneath?
Nick Chater on the perils of looking under our glittering surface
The psychology of underwear
Carolyn Mair
The 'human' underpinning workplace resource
Rosalind Searle on working under a hierarchy
The underdog effect
Ciaran O'Keeffee on the appeal, and how things change
Under the weather
Trevor Harley
A journey to the core of our being
Our editor Jon Sutton reviews Underland by Robert Macfarlane
Going under to rise above mistakes
Under Pressure by Gareth Lock, reviewed
Tracking the footprints of consciousness
Why are so many concepts of conciousness expressed in terms of spatial relations, e.g. 'going under', 'subconsciousness', 'a higher state'? Christof Koch answers as part of a books Q&A.
Illustration: Guido Iafigliola