Tell us a Psychology joke, or a study that has made you laugh
We asked on Twitter…
14 March 2023
Chelle @EU_4_me
Ego and superego walk into a bar. Barman says 'I'm gonna need to see your Id…'
Simon Clarke @DrSimonClarke
The International Psychoanalytic Association conference in the Swiss Alps met with disaster when over half of the delegates were injured during a ski team-building exercise. One observer commented, 'I've never seen so many Freudians slip'.
Dr Paul Marsden @marsattacks
Psych dep of Uni of New Mexico study won the 2008 lgNobel prize for improbable research – 'Ovulatory cycle effects on tip earnings by lap dancers'. Made me laugh (that such a study could get imagined, funded and published), then it made me think…
Adam Rodríguez @arodriguezpsyd
A couple in therapy won't talk. After weeks of silence the frustrated therapist grabs a bass from his closet & plays an amazing solo. The cpl begin talking nonstop. At end of session cpl says 'that was amazing, how'd u do it?' Therapist: 'everyone talks during the bass solo.'
Sarah Wilkie-Ryan @SarahWilkieRya1
I have a statistics joke, but it's not significant…
Roderic Vincent @rodericvincent
Here's an old one that I recently found quoted in the Stutz book The Tools. A man visits a psychologist. 'My brother is crazy: he's convinced he's a chicken.' The psychologist says, 'I'm afraid we will have to hospitalise him.' The man says, 'You can't. We need the eggs.'
Dr Terry Sergeant @drterrysergeant
Why are psychologists always calm? Because they have a lot of patients!
Jazz Tehara @DrJazzTehara
A guy is lying on the floor with a stab wound and has been beaten black and blue having been mugged. A Psychologist arrives on scene and says 'My word! Whoever did this to you really needs help!'
Your Millennial Psychologist @riyanportuguez
What do you call an extremely irritated psychologist? Therapissed.
Adam Joinson @joinson
An edited (cleaner version) of an old one is: 'two behaviouralists coming out of the cinema after watching a film. One turns to the other and says, "you really enjoyed that… how was it for me?"'
A couple on Pavlov
Dr Richard Remedios @rremediosva
My children were being taught about Pavlov and telling the teacher what a lot of nonsense his theories were. Then the bell rang and they all went for lunch.
Laura Juniper @laura_juniper
Why did Pavlov have great hair… he conditioned it.
And some 'lightbulb' jokes
Dr Jonathan Douglas PhD CPsych @JonathanCOnP
The classic: How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one. But the lightbulb has to want to change.
Thùy Vy T Nguyen, PhD @thuyvytnguyen
How many psychotherapists does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one but it'll need nine more sessions.
Dr Jonathan Douglas PhD CPsych @JonathanCOnP
How many psychotherapists to change a lightbulb? How many do you think it will take? Does the lightbulb not being changed bother you?
Ruth elkan @ruthelkan1
How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb? None. Is changing lightbulbs part of a psychologist's role? Let's just sit here in the dark.