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Jeffrey Gray
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John Sheppard interviewed Jeffrey Gray of the Institute of Psychiatry just before his ‘retirement’.

18 December 1999

'Jeffrey Gray retires soon — he would be interesting to interview!' said our Editor. So off I went to the Institute of Psychiatry at Denmark Hill, London, and found I had been slightly misled. Interesting — yes indeed. Retiring — not really. 'My first day of not being Head of Department is 1st October,' Professor Gray told me. I enquired as to his plans thereafter. 'Basically there'll be three components, I hope,' he replied. 'The research we've done on neuro-transplantation [moving nerve tissue from one animal to another] has led to a spin-off company which aims to take our particular methods to the clinic. That's based here at the moment, though in the fullness of time it will have to go elsewhere. So I'll probably spend about a day a week here on that.

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