The Psychologist Presents… at Latitude Festival
Previews, transcripts and reports.
28 March 2019
Since 2015, The Psychologist has had a slot at the annual music and arts event in Suffolk.
Here are some transcripts and reports from past years…
2015: Teenagers debunked. Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore in conversation with author Fiona Neill and our editor Dr Jon Sutton.
2016: How to talk so people listen, with Professor Elizabeth Stokoe.
2017: The rules of unruliness, with Professor Stephen Reicher; and A manifesto for psychological health and wellbeing, with Professor Peter Kinderman, Professor Victoria Tischler and Dr Henrietta Bowden-Jones.
2018: The future of healthcare: Professor Karen Rodham was our nominated speaker in this panel discussion.
2019: The Psychologist Presents... Screentime debunked, with Professor Andrew Przybylski.
Read our preview, and an edited transcript. Plus coverage from across the festival.
2021: Professor Greta Defeyter on child food poverty. Audio available as an episode of our Research Digest podcast PsychCrunch, kindly sponsored by Routledge Psychology.
With thanks to Latitude curator Kirsty Taylor (and to Tania Harrison for past events).
Head to the Latitude website…