From our new President
Katherine Carpenter, plus more news from the AGM of the British Psychological Society.
03 August 2021
First of all I would like to thank everyone who voted for me. In fact I want to thank everyone who voted – because the role of President is a key one and needs a strong mandate. I'd also like to thank my fellow candidates, Carl Harris and Peter Branney, because I know they care as passionately as I do about the Psychology professions and getting things right.
My vision is to get the Society back on track. It has lost its way somewhat, particularly in the last very difficult year, and we need to get people talking and working together effectively again.
I aim to deliver three things in the next 12 months. First, greater cohesion going forward. Second, I intend to get behind the important work that has already been started, particularly in the area of EDI and governance. And third, I want to increase the visibility of Psychology externally, and to increase the voice of Psychology in society. I want the BPS to be responsive, impactful, and relevant, so that the more newly qualified, undergraduates and the under-represented, all feel that it can be their home for the rest of their professional life.
I realise that 12 months is a very short time, but I'm absolutely up for the challenge and I will do my very best to not let you down.
- Katherine Carpenter is a Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, and has been elected President of the British Psychological Society 2021-2022. Revisit our 2019 interview with her via https://tinyurl.com/bpskatcarp and see also this month's 'member of the month'.
More news from the AGM
Nicky Hayes was announced the successful candidate for BPS President-Elect 2021-22, and will be President 2022-23. Christina Buxton was elected Honorary General Secretary. Dr Peter Branney was co-opted onto the Board of Trustees. Dr Jackie Greatorex was elected ordinary member of the Research Board.
Dr Carole Allan and Professor Daryl O'Connor were elected Honorary Life Members of the BPS in recognition of their significant contributions to the society. Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Professor Stephen Reicher were made Honorary Fellows of the BPS in recognition of their significant contributions to psychology.
The Special Group in Coaching Psychology was re-designated to a new Division of Coaching Psychology.
Prior to the AGM, Professor Andy Tolmie was appointed the new Chair of the Research Board, and Professor Niamh Stack was appointed Chair of the Board of Education and Training.