One thing I’ve learned about myself, or Psychology, during the pandemic…
For this edition, in place of our usual ‘Member of the month’, we thought we would put out a question on Twitter via @psychmag…
16 June 2020
Dr Mary Stanley-Duke @DrMarySD
That I can be flexible and adjust and can embrace new working challenges.
Joh Foster @TheWiseFoster
That it is ok to do nothing. As a self-confessed control freak and round-bottomed sort, my usual stance is to do all the things all the time. In this time of lockdowns and furloughs, I've no choice but to let go of the norm.
Peter Forster @petermforster
I enjoy a quiet life and solitary lifestyle even more than I thought I would. I've been keeping a meditation diary for an n=1 study of meditation experiences and may even write it up one day!
Muhamad Alif Bin Ibrahim (Alif) @alifpsych
The need for evidence-based guidelines and policies, as well as clear, unambiguous public messaging. These will help organisations, the community, and individuals to act decisively, which in turn, can help save lives…
Gary Nixon FRSA @psychologisted
Being both an Educational Psychologist and a Headteacher of two schools, remaining open in the pandemic, I have been able to apply psychology in a novel way. A new paradigm is being born. Complexities at different levels require novel solutions.
Bethan Edwards @BethanEdwards03
That I don't need to be doing something seismic to make a difference. Small droplets still make ripples in the ocean. :)
Angela Wilcock @AngelaPsyched
To adjust my perspective and find the meaning in my new reality. 'There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so' – Hamlet. Covid has challenged me!
Steve King @steveathon
That even as an 'introvert' I get so much value out of casual interaction or observation of folks, like idea generation, troubleshooting my thoughts, or sparking new ideas. I miss my 'well that was weird' ahuh moments.
Monia Brizzi @BrizziMonia
That distance is more than a spatial attribute; it is also experiential and emotional and so we can be close when apart, touch and be touched by each other across time and space.
Dr Linda K. Kaye @LindaKKaye
I have learnt what my limitations are, and that these aren't defined by what I am competent at doing (or not doing) but what I care about doing and who I can help as a result.
Jane Ogden @Jane1Ogden
The importance of change. I need to go out of the house to enjoy coming back in. And if I'm allowed two things – I just need to laugh!
Adrian Coyle @AdrianCoyle5
That what I often told myself I'd do if only I'd had the time was simply a personal mythology. Observing what I've actually been doing during the confinement rather than what I'd aspired to do has been a source of self-insight.
Maxine Caine @CaineMaxine
There is a place for all emotions; I can experience many in one day. There is a time for sadness, anger and disappointment and allowing myself to feel this is ok.
Virtual Psychologist Trainee @ProfessrCelestr
The preventative power of listening to and interpreting personal cues. Like my patients, I have a toolbox of skills that have all come to fore with building my 'pandemic bunker'.
Know better do better @Nikki_A_Moore
I've learnt, simply that I can. Whatever that may be. I just finished a psychology degree with three children in tow whilst working in a homeless shelter. I can do anything I want to.