New wave analysis
Guest Editor Bryan Roche introduces a special feature on modern behaviour analysis.
18 October 1999
Modern-day behaviour analysis is a far cry from the behaviourism popularised by John B. Watson earlier this century. Indeed, modern behaviour analysis even builds upon and extends the radical behaviourism of B.F. Skinner. Recently, behaviour analysts worldwide have been breaking new ground in the application of behavioural concepts and theories to the empirical understanding of a diverse range of psychological phenomena. These phenomena have, until now, fallen outside the remit of behavioural psychology — for example, language, meaning, development, problem solving, art, mathematics, anxiety, social cognition, prejudice, spirituality, mysticism and self-awareness (see Barnes-Holmes et al., this issue). This special feature is intended to outline exciting new developments in behavioural psychology. These articles will not engage in the familiar old defence of behavioural psychology and its methods. Instead, they will look to the future in setting out the unique philosophy and methodology of modern-day behaviour-analytic psychology. They will also overview the more important conceptual and empirical advances that have spawned what has come to be known as the 'new wave' of behavioural psychology.
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