Last chance to vote for the new BPS President-Elect
Meet Alison Clarke, Dr Natalie Lancer, Jimmy Petruzzi and Roman Raczka, the candidates in consideration for the role, and cast your vote before 31 March.
10 March 2023
Voting for the new British Psychological Society President-Elect for 2023 closes on 31 March. The successful candidate will serve a one-year term of office as President-Elect before becoming President of the BPS in 2024.
The President has an important part to play in supporting the BPS to fulfil its public role and engage in activities that benefit the wider psychological society as well as our members.
There are four candidates standing for the President-Elect vacancy: Alison Clarke, Dr Natalie Lancer, Jimmy Petruzzi and Roman Raczka.
Meet the candidates
Alison Clarke
Alison Clarke is a Coaching Psychologist. She is currently Chair of the Practice Board, a Trustee, and a Member of the Member Conduct Rules Standing Panel for the Society.
Alison joined the BPS in 2011 and became Chair of the Board of Trustees in 2017. She took this role at a time when the society was committed to governance changes to meet the changing needs of a growing and evolving organisation, and the rising standards of the Charity Commission.
Alison says: 'It would be my privilege to continue to use the knowledge and empathy I have from my distant and recent past to explore and champion opportunities for members to expand themselves and the range of services they have, and we can create, to serve the public under our Royal Charter.
'The president's eyes can shine a light on great activities going on within the member networks and give them a platform to encourage and inspire others. I see the role of President as an ambassador and signpost for members that they can also find their way to such value from their membership of the society no matter how they work or what generates their interest in psychology.'
Natalie Lancer
Dr Natalie Lancer is a self-employed Coaching Psychologist and currently sits as the Chair of Senate for the Society. She is also Chair of the Division of Coaching Psychology, a Member of the Practice Board, and a Member of the Member Network Futures Steering Group.
In her professional practice, Natalie combines research and lecturing with independent psychology consultancy. She says her professional experiences have provided her with 'both breadth and depth of understanding' to become a better psychologist.
Natalie says: 'My three core values are transparency, accountability and integrity. I am an open and accessible person, and make sure that any views I put forward are clearly evidenced and explained.' She promises to be a hands-on President and aims to conscientiously execute statutory responsibilities.
She adds: 'I intend to be a 21st Century ambassador for psychology, cracking open the profession to a whole new world of people. I am confident that I have the values, leadership experience and governance skills to build on my current role as a Member of the Board of Trustees and take a more strategic position as President.'
Jimmy Petruzzi
Jimmy Petruzzi is a Lecturer, Broadcaster and football coach. He has been a performance coach for more than 20 years and has worked around the world with many top businesses, entrepreneurs and corporations; as well as with professional football teams and individuals at national and international level. Jimmy has also worked as a consultant with athletes and professional sportspeople, helping them to achieve peak performance in all aspects of their lives.
He is currently the Co-Chair Elect of the North West of England Branch and a Member of Senate with the BPS. As Committee member, Communications Officer, and Co-Chair Elect of the North West of England Branch, Jimmy works to maintain a unique brand voice, developing and executing marketing and public relations campaigns and social media management, identifying target audiences and executing strategies to engage others.
Jimmy says: '[As President-Elect] I want everyone to feel included, taking into account any barriers and preferences, and embracing different people from different backgrounds and generations, with sometimes vastly different perspectives. I advocate psychology for all, giving every member a voice, building a vibrant member collective from creative people from all walks of life who share a similar mindset – a passion for psychology.'
Roman Raczka
Roman Raczka is a Consultant Lead Clinical Psychologist, and the Head of Psychological Services for Central London Community Healthcare, part of the NHS Trust. He has held leadership roles within the BPS as well as for The Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP).
For the DCP he was Chair of networks such as the London DCP Branch, DCP England and for the past two years DCP UK. He has also been involved in national BPS work including being a member of the Covid Coordinating group and chairing the BPS Covid Adaptations to Provision of Psychological Services working group.
He says: 'I believe in the objectives of the BPS to be the voice of psychology as a learned organisation and the professional body of psychology – championing psychology and all psychologists. I believe that I have the experience and qualities needed to be the champion and ambassador for the BPS.
'I have a good understanding of the role of the President-Elect and I have the breadth and depth of experience necessary to fulfil that role as a member of the Board of Trustees delivering on leadership and governance matters and representing all psychologists, supporting the BPS membership.'
How to vote
Voting is open to student, graduate, associate, full, chartered, and honorary members. You should look out for an email from our elections partner, Mi-Voice – an independent organisation supporting the BPS with this process. If you don't have an email address registered with the BPS or opted out of online voting, you will receive a postal ballot instead.
Visit the nominees' page to find out more, read the nominees' statements in full and vote.