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Work and occupational

Jump off the treadmill…

We hear from Sharon De Mascia on work-life balance and share some new and archive resources.

08 October 2019

Occupational psychologist and author Sharon De Mascia shares her top tips on improving your work life:

1. Jump off the treadmill – Monitor and manage your pressure levels

Stress can be a tricky thing, as we habituate to it and get used to working at increasingly higher levels of stress. We are all different in the amount and type of stress that we can cope with. However, we can help ourselves by constantly checking in with how we are feeling both emotionally and physically. Learn to recognise when your stress level is moving off the charts and take action to manage it: for example, go for a walk outside, practice mindfulness or meditation, take exercise.

2. A problem shared is a problem halved – Build your social network

Feeling supported is crucial to our wellbeing and having someone that we can talk to when the chips are down is very important.  Do you have someone at work or at home that you can confide in? If so, make the most of them and share your concerns and niggles before they become big issues. Talking to someone else is a great way of gaining perspective and challenging our perceptions. If you are a very private person or do not have anyone that you feel able to talk to, write your thoughts down in a diary or journal. Once again, it can be a good way to start tackling your issues more logically and objectively.

3. Make your work more meaningful

Sit down and work out which aspects of your work motivate and energise you and which do not. See if you can find ways of gently recrafting your role so that you are doing more of the things that motivate and energise you. You may have to discuss your suggested changes with colleagues and/or your manager, depending on how much latitude you have to make changes.

- Read more from Sharon De Mascia.

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The changing workplace
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Maria Kordowicz on compassion in the workplace.

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Michael West on creating compassionate cultures in the NHS

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Emma Donaldson-Feilder on employee health, wellbeing, and engagement.

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Cary Cooper on stress at work and his efforts to change occupational culture through wide dissemination of psychological theory and research.

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