Internet-mediated research
Updated ethical guidelines.
02 August 2021
The BPS is set to publish updated ethical guidelines for internet-mediated research this summer. The guidance emphasises both the role of existing ethical principles as well as internet-specific ethical challenges that researchers may face when carrying out online research.
The document gives advice on how the four main principles of the BPS Code of Human Research Ethics, including scientific integrity and social responsibility, can be interpreted when carrying out research online. It also outlines some of the internet-specific ethical challenges researchers may face, for example the distinction between public and private domains, confidentiality, data security, participant anonymity and gaining consent.
The original version of the guidance was published in 2014 by the BPS Research Board Working Party on Internet-Mediated Research and were reviewed in 2017 and 2020. The most recent review was chaired by Dr Linda Kaye, along with other experts in the field.
To read the full guidance see: tinyurl.com/2ywp4sp8