Inside the asylum
We gather links from the archives of The Psychologist and Research Digest, and elsewhere.
06 November 2019
Over the years, a number of our articles have considered life inside the former lunatic asylums, alternatives and what happened next…
Shining a light on 'what asylums were' – Jonathon Rutherford on the atrocity of care in the early 19th century
The house of cure: Diane Lockley on life in Leicestershire's first lunatic asylum
Such tender years: admission photos of children
More on photographs from asylums – taken for either external or internal use…
Big picture: Art in the asylum
Bedlam: the asylum and beyond
Daniel Paul Schreber's memoirs
Madness from the outside in: Gail Hornstein on artistic depictions of insanity
Jennifer Wallis on 'general paralysis of the insane' in Victorian asylums
Self-mutilation in 19th century asylums
A history of stigma, and ideas around confinement and civilisation, from Kelleye McBride
The will of war: How German soldiers could be confined to asylums
The Geel question… an alternative to asylums
From elsewhere:
James Tilly Matthews and the air loom
18 abandoned psychiatric hospitals
How to look for records of asylums
The demise of the asylum and the rise of care in the community
What have we missed? Let us know on Twitter @psychmag