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A collection of archive links from The Psychologist and Research Digest on the theme of homelessness

03 December 2019

As we learn that a child in Britain becomes homeless every 8 minutes; and that half of homeless people may have had traumatic brain injury; we take this opportunity to trawl our back issues and the Research Digest blog for articles, interviews and news related to homelessness.

Introducing the Society's 2020 theme of 'From poverty to flourishing'

Helping the homeless
Christian Jarrett examines psychology's response to a disturbing social problem, in this 2010 feature

One to One...with James Bray
Commissioner of the American Psychological Association's Presidential Task Force on Psychology's Contribution to End Homelessness 

Music and change with Charlie Alcock

Hope, control and opportunity
Thea Fitch on her work with homelessness and more

Homelessness and traumatic brain injury

'Look for small increments of change, not cures'
Nick Maguire (University of Southampton) talks to Ian Florance about his interest in the mental health issues implicated in homelessness

A graphic novel approach to researching homelessness

The homeless man and his audio cave

'Working with homeless people made me realise the cycle of moving from prison to homelessness and back to prison again' - Holly Price

'Being with people is key'
We talk community psychology with Rebecca Lawthom

The 2015 'Walk the talk' campaign

Sabrina Cohen-Hatton is a psychologist and fire chief with personal experience of homelessness

Sheffield City Council's work with homelessness

An innovative approach to 'Psychology in Hostels' 

Claudia Hammond on attitudes towards poor people and the homeless

In 'the blue funnel line', psychologists represent the journey of a merchant seaman through homelessness in the form of song

Suzanne Elliott responds to our call on austerity psychology

The 'street children' of Latin America

Any change? A poem by Chris Allen 


If you are a psychologist working with homelessness - particularly if you can address the '…to flourishing' aspect of our 2020 priority – do engage with us on Twitter @psychmag or email me on [email protected]