Educating future generations
A collection of articles on psychology and education.
24 January 2020
We bring you a collection of articles from our archive on topics relating to school and learning, including mental health, inequality, bullying, resilience and more…
Schooling the good citizen – A special collection on psychological attempts to shift attitudes and behaviour amongst the next generation:
- Breaking down the barriers – Pooky Knightsmith
- Imagine all the people – Siân Jones
- Building resilience to radicalisation – Lynn Davies
- 'It's a real critical period around gender' – Sarah Davidson
- Teaching individuals gender equality and respect – Dan O'Hare
- Civic and political engagement in young people – Martyn Barrett and Dimitra Pachi
- A recipe for taste connoisseurs – Helen Coulthard
Building spatial skills in preschool
Nora S. Newcombe looks beyond literacy and numeracy
The transition to school
Claire Hughes asks what matters and why
Can we be scientific about science education?
Zayba Ghazali asks what primary school children know about scientific concepts
Inequality and the next generation
Gary Thomas explains how the gradient of difference can impact upon identity in the classroom
Kiva – against Bullying
Christina Salmivalli (University of Turku, Finland) talks to Jon Sutton about her new approach to an age-old issue
Promoting mental health through schools
Is this field of development an evidence-based practice? Rosalyn H. Shute investigates
Teaching happiness – a brave new world?
Maggi Evans on well-being initiatives and whose vision is being pushed
Mindfulness in schools
Dan Jones investigates whether 'habits of mind' can boost the well-being and resilience of the nation's children
Reimagining our school system
Anthony Montgomery and Ian Kehoe ask why schools get so little attention from organisational psychology
Raising school attendance
Anne Sheppard asks whether legal sanctions can really be the answer to problems of truancy
The need for a physical education
Matthew Y.W. Kwan and Guy Faulkner on the decline in physical activity during the transition to young adulthood, and the methodological challenges
Physically active academic school lessons boost pupils' activity levels and focus
Christian Jarrett for the Research Digest
The education of children in care
Educational failure is the root of many social problems; Sonia Jackson and Peter McParlin believe psychologists can help
There is a second "window of opportunity" for learning in late adolescence and early adulthood
David Robson for the Research Digest