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Editor's column, March 2020

Deputy Editor Dr Annie Brookman-Byrne introduces the issue.

10 February 2020

BPS President David Murphy, in conversation with Binna Kandola, asks 'Are we exclusionists or inclusionists? Because if we're doing nothing, then we are exclusionists by default'. Psychology's move towards inclusion must involve 'decolonising'.

Deanne Bell gives four steps to take us towards that vision, and emphasises the importance of stories for understanding the suffering of those who are othered. Sarah Atayero shares her own story of exclusion, and looks ahead to a future of workplace inclusion. We are reminded by Flora Cornish that decolonising is serious but it can also bring joy, changing our thoughts and our feelings. 

A holistic approach to inclusion brings the challenge of ensuring all marginalised communities are welcome, says Binna Kandola. We have our work cut out. At The Psychologist we seek to include, but we need your help. Please put yourself forward or tell us whose story we should be including.

Dr Annie Brookman-Byrne

Deputy Editor @psychmag