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Editorial, December 2020

Dr Jon Sutton introduces the issue.

05 November 2020

Some months, I find it relatively easy to plot a path through the issue. A clear theme or map emerges. Other times, it feels like I can only throw a mish-mash of mysteries at you and trust that some of it will stick.  

Sure, there's a hat-trick of interviews around climate change, but perhaps it's the theme of change more broadly which continues throughout the issue, as we hear from several psychologists looking to change our understanding about people, the world, and the potential impact of our discipline

And there's our cover feature, on the allure of mysteries. Elizabeth Michaelson Monaghan concludes that what she likes best about them is the 'promise of more'. The magazine is increasingly just a snapshot of what we – what you – are producing on a daily basis. So throughout this edition you'll find that promise of much more on our website… I hope that proves to be alluring.

Please do connect via email or Twitter, with ideas for topics and authors.

Dr Jon Sutton

Managing Editor @psychmag

Cover photo: Behind the old painting, from Holly Andres' Sparrow Lane series.