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Editorial, April 2025

Our editor, Dr Jon Sutton, introduces the April 2025 issue of The Psychologist.

12 March 2025

ByJon Sutton

As this edition hits doormats, I'll be quietly marking 25 years as Editor (although my role has just been retitled 'Head of Science Communication', to better reflect the BPS structure and the scope of stuff I get involved in these days). 

I sometimes reflect on what has kept me hooked all that time; I think it's mostly that Psychology, and by extension The Psychologist, is all of life.

Take this month's issue. We have Psychology as everything from 'train wreck' and 'echo chamber' to 'personal values in action' with 'unique value' and real impact on issues of justice. We go from addiction and pain to slowing down and 'being enough'. And there's remaining childfree, or having kids and torturing them with terrible jokes.

And, as I keep stressing, this is just a snapshot. On this website we're putting out a couple of new pieces a day, most of it exclusive to online. Do please explore our homepage, and connect on social media – we're increasingly on Bluesky – to share your favourites.

Dr Jon Sutton
Managing Editor @psychmag