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Editorial, April 2022

Dr Jon Sutton introduces the issue.

07 March 2022

This doesn't feel like an easy time to be writing an editorial. Yesterday, Putin sent more troops into Ukraine, and threatened the world (to my ears at least) with nuclear war. Earlier in the week, many of our readers were reeling from the latest blow in the academic pension dispute. Restrictions may have largely lifted, but the pandemic is far from over.

In the face of such events, Psychology – and The Psychologist – can feel powerless. I can source and tweet articles all day long, but does any of it make a difference?

Well, yes, I have to argue that it does. Pretty much everything around us, it's all psychological. Psychologists are at work helping to heal and grow. To give just one example from this issue, Adrian Needs talks of how change must engage a person's senses of identity, meaning, control and belonging.  

Belonging, community, the language of shared identity and common humanity, will surely be everything in the months to come. There must be brighter days ahead.

- Dr Jon Sutton
Managing Editor @psychmag