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From the Editor, March 2021

Dr Jon Sutton introduces the issue.

08 February 2021

A year since the first lockdown, a year in which so many have lost so much. A loose theme flows through this issue, of being lost and finding your way.

As psychologists, what have we lost during the pandemic? Judging from my inbox at times, I'm tempted to say 'the plot'. As Stuart Ritchie says, many of the psychological questions around the pandemic are complex and nuanced. But when readers email to argue that Covid is no more serious than the flu, and that masks have no impact… well, then I question whether some – admittedly a minority – have lost sight of science and compassion. In 'News', we consider the death of nuance and whether this is a critical point for psychology.

There's so much more to find in this issue. Like most of you, we've lost a lot through a year of remote working. But thanks to our fantastic team and with contributions from hundreds of you, we've found a way to bring you packed editions and more to discover on our website than ever.

Dr Jon Sutton
Managing Editor @psychmag