Early career researchers: Closing thoughts
Final words from your Guest Editor team, and our Managing Editor.
03 January 2023
From your guest editors
Looking back over the past 10 months, the journey to this completed issue you are now holding has been a whirlwind. From submitting our initial ideas to Jon Sutton (Editor) and Maddi Pownall (Associate Editor for Voices In Psychology), to circulating the call for contributors, to receiving an overwhelmingly positive response, to receiving submissions, editing them, and sending them to their final destination – it has been a phenomenal experience.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the staff working behind the scenes at The Psychologist, all the people in our lives who have had to put up with us in 'editor mode', and, of course, to our wonderful contributors who are from all around the globe. May your many different perspectives and thought-provoking pieces stimulate the conversations that are crucial for shaping the environment of psychology for the future. It was a privilege to work with all of you and we hope that this may be the first in a regular series of opportunities for young researchers and others to raise their collective voices as contributors or guest editors of this magazine.
From the Managing Editor
Thank you – the privilege was all ours. We rely on the input of our community, and always appreciate it. But for a team of ECRs to take on a challenge like this, and to deliver so much – in terms of the quantity, quality and diversity of material – is particularly impressive.
We would love to repeat the exercise for the January/February 2024 edition, offering the opportunity to a different group. Planning for that needs to begin surprisingly soon.
If you have a vision for a very special edition of The Psychologist, and you can pull together a small team to help you deliver it, we would love to hear from you. We need a summary of the plan, no more than one side of A4, with an overarching theme / headline and at least a rough plan of who you would approach, what topics they would cover, and how you would ensure the issue holds together as a magazine that seeks to engage and inform.
Please get in touch with me on [email protected] by 1 March.