Collaborations and conversations between a Psychologist and an academic from another discipline…
…what are your examples? We asked on Twitter…
22 May 2023
Antonia Hamilton @antoniahamilton
I collaborate with engineers and theatre directors to study the neuroscience of theatre.
Prof. Sharron Hinchliff @DrSharronH
Sexology, psychiatry, sociology, medicine, nursing (not always at the same time!) to explore healthy ageing within a sexual rights framework
Tom Farsides @TomFarsides
Most recently, I have been working with an anatomist to investigate body donors' concerns.
Catarina @CatarinaAnd1
Health psychology and anyone in functional medicine!
Fernanda Ferreira @fernandaedi
Tons of such collaborations between psychologists and linguists – e.g. @emilynguist and me
Prof Mark Wetherell @drminkster
Just finished a collaboration with some computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon. A few years of explaining each others' disciplines was challenging but taught some valuable lessons about assumptions as well…. Also led to a paper on the effect of socially evaluated multitasking stress on typing rhythms, which is pretty pleasing.
Dr Charlotte Russell @Thetravelpsych
Cultural geographers and tourism academics.
Auxane B. @AuxaneBoch
Psychology and Technology ethics! I know quite a few if you're interested (starting with Anna Baumer and her team).
Damien Lowry @damopamine
Hospital psychology and academic anaesthesiology.
Protocol published (tick)
Data collection complete (tick)
Data analysed (tick)
Manuscript currently under preparation: Effect of perioperative cognitive behavioural therapy on chronic post-surgical pain among breast cancer patients with high pain catastrophising characteristics: protocol for a double-blinded randomised controlled trial.
Dina Astuti @AnastasiaDinast
I have a longstanding discussion with a colleague who works with the government in the field of terrorism and radical movements.
We want to hear more of these conversations and collaborations, with a view to a special issue. Either add your examples to the thread or get in touch on [email protected]