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From the Chief Executive, October 2020

The latest from Sarb Bajwa.

11 September 2020

Since joining the BPS, I've been keen to encourage collaboration, and it has become central to how we work.

This issue of The Psychologist is a fantastic example of how much our members, and psychology more widely, can achieve when we work together and across the boundaries that we sometimes create within the profession.

We are working more closely than ever, in all areas of the organisation, not just with other bodies but also with each other, to amplify psychology's voice and the impact that we're able to have. 

This can be seen in much of our recent work, whether through our support for the NHS's Your Covid Recovery website, or in partnering with the Red Cross to develop psychosocial reserve volunteers, an initiative which was featured in a recent issue of the magazine.

We were also delighted recently to support the Humanity Needs Psychology statement, backed by more than 60 psychological organisations from around the world. This highlighted the critical contributions that psychology has made to society and to our understanding of the world.

While we are all aware of these achievements and of the vital importance of psychological science, particularly at a time that is posing unique behavioural and mental health challenges, it is only by working together that we have the best chance of convincing governments and the wider public.

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted what psychology can achieve in so many areas.

We've produced resources that have been used in the NHS, by policymakers, in services and by the general public, despite our office having been closed since March.

This is testament to the fine work of our staff and members who have had to get used to new ways of working at the same time as making sure that psychology's voice has been heard loud and clear in conversations about Covid-19 and how our societies can recover from it.

As we all know, this pandemic is far from over, so it's vital that we continue to involve psychology in conversations about the future, whatever that is going to look like.

If you're aware of an initiative or piece of work that would benefit from our input, please get in touch and help us to keep growing our body of collaborative work.

- Editor's note: Due to an editorial oversight, this column was omitted from the October print edition. Many apologies to Sarb for this.