History and philosophy
Celebrating the Mind Changers
We collect links to Claudia Hammond's radio series, and our related coverage.
27 September 2019
Mind Changers is a radio series presented by Claudia Hammond.
In each 30-minute episode, Claudia explores a classic psychology experiment and discovers what impact the study had.
As Claudia recently collected together all her radio and podcast offerings in a fantastic new website, we thought we'd take the opportunity to each episode, and point to our own content on the same topics.
- The Main with a Hole in His Head
- Phineas Gage – Unravelling the myth (Malcolm Macmillan)
- What the textbooks don't tell you about psychology's most famous case study (Christian Jarrett)
- Neuroscience still haunted by Phineas Gage (Christian Jarrett)
- First ever photo of Phineas Gage discovered
- John Watson & Little Emotional Albert
- Looking back: Finding Little Albert (Hall P. Beck & Gary Irons)
- Little Albert – one of the most famous research participants in psychology's history – but who was he? (Christian Jarrett)
- The Hawthorne Effect
- Walking through snow to get to work (Joe MacDonagh)
- Is it time to ditch the Hawthorne Effect? (Christian Jarrett)
- Sir Frederic Bartlett – The War of the Ghosts
- Bartlett speaks: What makes a good experimental psychologist? (Julie Perks)
- BF Skinner and Superstition in the Pigeon
- The 'strange death' of radical behaviourism (Freddy Jackson Brown & Duncan Gillard)
- The everyday magic of superstition (Ella Rhodes)
- Solomon Asch – Conformity
- The line between conformity and resistance (Jolanda Jetten & Matthew J. Hornsey)
- Textbook coverage of this classic social psychology study has become increasingly biased (Christian Jarrett)
- Asch's "conformity study" without the confederates (Christian Jarrett)
- HM – The Man Who Couldn't Remember
- Looking back: Understanding amnesia – Is it time to forget HM? (John P. Aggleton)
- Brenda Milner: A colourful life, an inspiration, and living legend (Andrew Wickens)
- Abraham Maslow and the Hierarchy of Needs
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs – the sixth level (Hazel Skelsey Guest)
- There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about Abraham Maslow and self-actualisation – a new paper puts the record straight (Alex Fradera)
- Jean Piaget – The Three Mountains
- Looking back: Recollections of Jean Piaget (Joan Bliss)
- Children and time (Sylvie Droit-Volet)
- Donald Broadbent and the Cocktail Party
- Donald Broadbent's explicit and implicit influences on psychological science and scientists (Dianne Berry)
- The Heinz Dilemma
- The uncensored truth about morality (Chelsea Schein, Amelia Goranson, & Kurt Gray)
- Harlow's Monkeys
- Neuro Harlow: The effect of a mother's touch on her child's developing brain (Christian Jarrett)
- The Bobo Doll
- Disengaging morality from robotic war (Albert Bandura)
- Book extract: The disengagement of morality (Albert Bandura)
- Social cognitive theory goes global (Albert Bandura)
- SB – The Man Who Was Disappointed with What He Saw
- One on One – with Richard Gregory
- Why is learning slow? (Richard Gregory)
- Carl Rogers and the Person-Centred Approach
- What passes between client and therapist? (Stephanie M. Cobb)
- People first, science second (Ann Wood)
- The real deal (Stephen Joseph)
- The coach-athlete partnership (Sophia Jowett)
- Kitty Genovese
- More than 50 years on, the murder of Kitty Genovese is still throwing up fresh psychological revelations (Christian Jarrett)
- The Bystander Effect is about more than the diffusion of responsibility (Christian Jarrett)
- Walter Mischel's Marshmallow Study
- The master of self-control (Walter Mischel)
- This is what happened when psychologists gave toddlers a version of the classic Marshmallow Test (Christian Jarrett)
- Rural Cameroonian pre-schoolers just aced Mischel's iconic Marshmallow Test (Christian Jarrett)
- Children of today are better at delaying gratification than previous generations (Christian Jarrett)
- Circle time rituals help children beat the Marshmallow Test of self control (Christian Jarrett)
- Henri Tajfel's Minimal Groups
- Unlocking the social cure (S. Alexander Haslam)
- Shifting patterns of social identity in Northern Ireland (Peter Bull)
- The Stanford Prison Experiment
- Tyranny revisited - Groups, psychological well-being and the health of societies (Stephen Reicher & S. Alexander Haslam)
- Questioning the banality of evil (S. Alexander Haslam & Stephen Reicher)
- Letters: Dealing with toxic behaviour (Craig Haney, Alexander Haslam, Stephen Reicher, Philip Zimbardo; Joanna Wilde)
- What the textbooks don't tell you – one of psychology's most famous experiments was seriously flawed (Christian Jarrett)
- Newly analysed recording challenges Zimbardo's account of his infamous prison experiment (Christian Jarrett)
- The Pseudo-Patient Study
- Striking the golden section in stigma research (Jonathan D. Raskin)
- Textbook fail: Rosenhan's classic "On Being Sane In Insane Places" covered without criticism (Christian Jarrett)
- Elizabeth Loftus and Eye Witness Testimony
- One on one - with Elizabeth Loftus
- Imagining the past (Elizabeth Loftus)
- Prestige-enhancing memory distortions (Elizabeth Loftus)
- One nagging thing: Nightmares (Elizabeth Loftus)
- False memories of childhood abuse (Chris R. Brewin & Bernice Andrews)
- How reliable is our memory for our own previous intentions? (Christian Jarrett)
- Hans Eysenck
- Looking back: The controversial Hans Eysenck (Roderick D. Buchanan)
- Eysenck and the development of CBT (Jack Rachman)
- The centenary of a maverick (Philip J. Corr)
- Judging Hans Eysenck
- On the shoulders of giants (Alan D. Pickering, Andrew J. Cooper, Luke D. Smillie, & Philip J. Corr)
- Personality and Psychology: Hans Eysenck's unifying themes (Philip J. Corr)
- Individual differences – the British context (Gerald Matthews & K.V. Petrides)
- Mary Ainsworth
- Looking Back: The making and breaking of attachment theory (Barbara Tizard)
- State of the art: Attachment theory (Howard Steele)
- 'All psychologists want to solve the secret of their history!' (Robbie Duschinsky)
- James Pennebaker and Expressive Writing
- 'Real things are just endlessly fascinating' (James Pennebaker)
- Writing about your relationship could help it last (Christian Jarrett)
- Carol Dweck and Growth Mindset
- Parents who think failure is harmful to learning have children who think ability is fixed (Christian Jarrett)
- This cheap, brief "growth mindset" intervention shifted struggling students onto a more successful trajectory (Bradley Busch)
Some of these famous case studies are summarised by Christian Jarrett in 'Psychology's 10 greatest case studies – digested' and '10 of the most famous animals in psychology'.