British Psychological Society Book Award
Winners in four categories.
30 November 2016
The 2016 winners of the British Psychological Society Book Awards have been announced. Awards were split into four categories.
Academic Monograph: Modern Families: Parents and Children in New Family Forms by Susan Golombok
Nominated by Cambridge University Press
Popular Science: Black Sheep: The Hidden Benefits of Being Bad by Richard Stephens
Nominated by Hodder & Co
Practitioner Text: Working with Brain Injury – A Primer for Psychologists Working in Under-resourced Settings by Rudi Coetzer and Ross Balchin
Nominated by Taylor & Francis
Textbook: A History of the Brain – From Stone Age Surgery to Modern Neuroscience by Andrew P. Wickens
Nominated by Taylor & Francis
Professor Daryl O'Connor, Chair of the BPS Research Board, said: 'It was a great honour to chair the BPS Book Award committee this year. The number, the breadth and standard of submissions were incredibly impressive. We were particularly pleased to receive a large number of nominations in each of four categories. As a result, the committee had a difficult and challenging task in choosing the winners. Well done to the winning authors.'
Read an extract from Susan Golombok's book; we are discussing extracts/articles/interviews with the other winning authors.