A British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2017 round-up
We collect links to reports from this year's event in Brighton.
22 May 2017
In addition to the reports below, you can find past articles / interviews by some of the speakers both in our archive and in a free special in our iOS/Android app. More reports will appear on here and in the July print edition, along with additional articles by / interviews with conference speakers over the coming months.
Excellence personified
Jon Sutton on an awards symposia
'Psychology is action, not thinking about oneself'
Peter Kinderman's Presidential Address, and his public lecture
'All my good ideas are battles'
A keynote from Helen Bevan OBE
Stop skipping after kipping - eat breakfast
Jon Sutton on the work of Professor Louise Dye
Tying it all together
James Pennebaker's keynote
From the poster boards
Emma Davies really loves posters.
Making a PERMA change
Ella Rhodes on Martin Seligman's keynote
Why should we care about the mental health of politicians?
Alana James reports
The cult of confidence
Jon Sutton reports from a keynote on 'gender, character and the psychological life of capitalism', from Rosalind Gill
In death we are all equal?
Ella Rhodes on a keynote from Professor Celia Kitzinger
Extending working life in the NHS
Gail Kinman reports
A different picture
Ella Rhodes on feminism and social justice
'Awepic' stories of greenery and the good life
Emma Davies reports
'You know your problem, you keep it all in'
Emma Davies on emotional expressiveness
We can turn the replication crisis into a revolution
Sam Parsons reports from a workshop
The online world - validation and threat
Catherine Loveday reports
Likes and dislikes online and offline
Emma Davies reports
Brighton briefs
Some snippets from Jon Sutton
A window of opportunity at a dark time
Ella Rhodes on suicidal ideation
Merchants of knowledge
Are we giving students what they want rather than what they need? Emma Davies reports
Supporting student welfare
Alana James on a BPS DART-P symposium
On cloud nine in Brighton
We asked recipients of the Society's postgraduate conference bursaries for their highlights
Working together to get off the medical merry go round
Sports psychologists and health psychologists tackle hypothetical problems