Big picture - Small home, big picture
Designed by Mike Page, on display during the Edinburgh Science Festival.
20 October 2011
The Cube Project is an initiative of Dr Mike Page at the University of Hertfordshire. He set out to build a compact home, no bigger than 3x3x3 metres on the inside, in which one person could live a comfortable, modern existence with a minimum impact on the environment.
Dr Page says: 'As part of our School's work on behaviour change in a number of different domains, such as smoking cessation and healthy eating, we have been looking at factors which affect behaviour change in relation to the environment. If we are to mitigate the problems of climate change, we are going to need to deal with the bigger picture, problems that are as many psychological problems as they are technological problems. The Cube Project is an attempt to show that many of the technologies that we need are already commonly available and at an affordable price. The question is, why aren't we using them? This is a psychological question.'
Dr Page addressed these issues as part of an online book, Going Green at Work, published by the British Psychological Society's Division of Occupational Psychology. You can read it and find out more.
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