Action plan - The changing family
Arlene Vetere and Emilia Dowling, with Rita Harris, Renos Papadopoulos, Hitesh Raval and Bernadette Wren.
18 October 2002
In writing this action plan on the changing family in the UK, we recruited some of the members of the Tavistock Clinic family systems team to help make practical recommendations, as if giving advice to government or professionals, on the basis of existing psychological knowledge and research. Our themes are transitions in family life (both expected and unexpected) and parenting. Each contribution looks at what seem to be unique events at the time, yet on closer scrutiny of the data appear to be ordinary events. So what might make it more difficult to speak about some of these issues, or to represent the multiple perspectives contained within? Part of the problem, we believe, lies in the neglect of the family at all levels of teaching in the education process.
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