The Psychologist, November 2023
Dr Peter Olusoga and David Olusoga talk about identity, what it means to be British, culture and David's major new BBC series, Union.
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Dr Peter Olusoga and David Olusoga talk about identity, what it means to be British, culture and David's major new BBC series, Union.
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Editorial, November 2023
From our editor, Jon Sutton.
The Careers Festival is back, bigger and bolder
Natalie Billing (British Psychological Society Careers Manager) previews the event.
Meet the new Board Chairs
The British Psychological Society’s Board of Trustees has recently welcomed new members – including incoming Chair of the Practice Board Clinical Psychologist and Emeritus Professor Tony Lavender, and new Chair of the Education and Training Board, Professor Patricia Hind. Ella Rhodes met them.
The psychology of social class inequalities in the classroom
Several perspectives on a day jointly funded by the University of Sussex and the British Psychological Society as part of the senate campaign #MakeIt10: Tackling Social Class Inequalities.
‘Gambling laws are analogue in a digital age’
Dr Emily Arden-Close and Dr Reece Bush-Evans on research and reform.
Mollie Hunte: Educational Psychologist, educator and activist
An online exhibition in October, hosted by the British Psychological Society’s History of Psychology Centre, will celebrate the life of Mollie Hunte. It's a collaboration with the London Metropolitan Archives, and their Archivist Rebecca Adams told us about Hunte.
‘We’re here to advocate the responsible use of tests’
Editor Jon Sutton meets Glenda Liell, Forensic Psychologist and Chair of the British Psychological Society’s Committee on Test Standards.
New Chair on offender rehabilitation
Graham Towl, former Ministry of Justice Chief Psychologist was named the new chair of the Scottish Advisory Panel on Offender Rehabilitation.
Nightmares: From terror to treatments
A recent systematic review maps out the relationships between nightmares and several psychiatric conditions, finding potential avenues to improve symptoms via treating bad dreams.
Inflammatory response may influence how we see others
New study finds that inflammation may heighten the impact of emotional cues.
Women’s football performs well on level playing field
New research shows that when gender is obscured in football videos, women’s performances are rated equally to men’s.
Finding spirituality in science benefits wellbeing and learning
Experiencing spiritual meaning in scientific discovery offers an array of psychological boosts, according to new research.
Embodying an invisible face makes us feel unseen
Recent developments in simulating invisibility allow investigation into the experience of being truly unseen.
Unusual experiences, everyday people
Tris Smith on why and how to run an Unusual Experiences Support Group.
Why we cheat
Hank Rothgerber on appearing moral while avoiding the costs of actually being moral.
‘We try to remove all barriers to accessing a psychologist’
Pip Wood and Dr Rebecca Magill on ‘the GP Clinical Psychologist’.
A focus on fathers in child mental health interventions
Lucy Tully, David Hawes and Mark Dadds on barriers and strategies.
The police – why and how we should care
Rachel Rogers, Lead Clinical Therapist at Police Care UK and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, on her work and the issues facing police officers.
‘Too much focus on trying to understand the narcissist is very much part of the problem’
Our editor Dr Jon Sutton meets Dr Sarah Davies, author of a new book How to leave a narcissist… for good.
A real handful: the rich world of non-verbal communication
Mark Zarwi reviews Susan Goldin-Meadow's book 'Thinking With Your Hands'.
Actionable strategies for memory
Aruna Sankaranarayanan reviews the book 'Why We Forget & How to Remember Better'.
The destructive superego and depression
Paul Terry draws on his clinical practice for an illustration of the emancipation of the ego from the dominance of a destructive superego, in this extract from his book. Meet Mrs A…
Why cybersecurity for coaches and therapists?
Alexandra J.S. Fouracres introduces an extract from her ‘Cybersecurity for Coaches and Therapists: A Practical Guide for Protecting Client Data’, published by Routledge.
‘I found enjoyment in Esports’
Ian Florance meets Callum Abbott, a sports psychologist who works in Esports.
‘Britishness is an incredibly flexible identity’
Dr Peter Olusoga in conversation with his brother, the historian and broadcaster David Olusoga, about the major new BBC series, 'Union'.
The very real horror
Dr Sarah Henderson watches 'The Woman in the Wall' on BBC One.
Troubled by technology
Owen Davies on techno fear and magical thinking in the late 19th-century asylum.
Is there a doctor in the house?
Mariëtte Henning-Pugh on using the doctor title.
A dysfunctional system
Sue Gerrard writes about letters in the September issue of The Psychologist.
‘Childhood trauma stories tend to be buried in medical notes…’
Laura Sambrook, Hana Roks, Jackie Tait, Rajan Nathan and Pooja Saini on adverse childhood experiences and the need for them to be more routinely recorded.
‘It is very difficult to combine life, work, and survival’
Ella Rhodes spoke to Dr Valeriia Palii – President of the National Psychological Association of Ukraine (NPA) and Academic Director of the Kyiv School of Economics – about the association’s work 18 months on from the Russian invasion.
#girlhood – teens take mental health into their own hands
Dr Beth Mosley MBE on how today's young people are finding ways to express and discuss the challenges they face.
Moving on after trauma
Megan Drysdale on her unusual role in an inpatient drug and alcohol service, starting with the service user perspective.
‘I feel like a mechanic, using the tools I've been given’
Saiyuri Naidu (The RESET Health Group) presents a journey through addiction recovery, with testimony (in italics) from an anonymised service user; assisted by Jake Whitehouse-Muir.
Should psychologists use their Dr title with pride?
Here’s what you told us on LinkedIn…