The Psychologist, May 2023
Have attitudes towards gender changed much in the past 50 years?
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Have attitudes towards gender changed much in the past 50 years?
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Editorial, May 2023: Matthew Warren, and gender
Editor Jon Sutton introduces the issue.
'We can’t say that this is something in the past’
Educational Psychologist Dr Cynthia Pinto, Chair of the BPS Division of Educational and Child Psychology (DECP), spoke to Ella Rhodes about the work the group is doing on issues of equality, diversity, and inclusion, as well as confronting psychology’s history.
NHS Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs
The British Psychological Society join other organisations in writing an open letter to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.
‘I get joy out of confounding people’s expectations’
Ella Rhodes speaks to Dr Miriam Silver – one of 50 women entrepreneurs to receive a £50,000 Women in Innovation award from Innovate UK. She will use the award to expand BERRI – a set of digital tools she developed to help identify, track, and support the mental health needs of children and young people.
Immersed in Westminster
Dr Lisa Cameron MP (Clinical Psychologist; pictured, left) and Hannah Shaw (Trainee Clinical Psychologist) on the latter’s placement programme.
Language as a tool to shape how we think of gender
Emma Young digests the research.
‘The work of psychologists in media productions is fuzzily defined’
John Oates and Kairen Cullen discuss ethics and dilemmas
Gender: how stubborn are the stereotypes?
Fifty years after a seminal study on attitudes to gender, what has changed? We ask Paul B. Hutchings and Katie E. Sullivan, who are part of a major initiative to capture global views on gender.
Addressing workplace gender inequality
Michelle Ryan uses the evidence to avoid common pitfalls.
‘Games are more complex to create than most people think’
Celia Hodent in conversation with Linda Kaye, around the psychology of video games.
Room for improvement
Dr Gillian Shorter asks whether it is time to trial and evaluate an official ‘drug consumption room’, following another year of the highest overdose deaths on record.
Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny in intensive care
Omobolanle Balogun, third year BSc Psychology Undergraduate at Aston University, on a placement experience.
‘Soft skills can be the hardest to master’
Ian Florance interviews Bill Hester, Global Account Manager at Development Dimensions International (DDI).
Featured job: Assistant Psychologists (APs)
Employer: EdPsychs Ltd
‘Moving out of defence and into offence is critical’ for our time
Organisational psychologist and author of Time Wise, Dr Amantha Imber tells Deputy Editor Shaoni Bhattacharya how we can best use our days.
Getting under the skin of a world-beyond-race
Mohsin Hamid's 'The Last White Man', reviewed by Mark Zarwi.
Poems for myriad moods
'You’ll Never Walk Alone: Poems for life’s ups and downs', by Rachel Kelly, reviewed by Clinical Psychologist, Dr Poppy Harding.
‘The mind can go so far in creating phantom others’
Our editor Jon Sutton meets Dr Ben Alderson-Day, author of Presence: The Strange Science and True Stories of the Unseen Other. Plus an extract from the book.
Doing something useful, using the best science
Professor Jo Hart of the University of Manchester reviews BBC Radio 4's The Life Scientific.
Hidden objects of the Freud Museum
Chloe Yu has a behind-the-scenes tour…
Why now?
Kairen Cullen and John Oates review Channel 4's new docuseries, 'Paula' and 'George Michael: Outed'.
My William James
By Philip Davis.
A tighter regime?
Professor Jamie Hacker Hughes on 'Psychologist' as a protected title.
Looking back with shame
Letters from Bridie Cushion, Jenny Webb and Jennifer Poole.
At best misleading
Professor David Canter on Helene Ansell’s defence of A-level Psychology.
‘I am constantly absorbing stories of trauma’
Fauzia Khan Interviews Clinical Psychologist Dr Juliet Young, also known as ‘The Creative Clinical Psychologist’.
The ‘locked rehabilitation’ paradox
Assistant Psychologist Paige Butcher on how lack of funding and recruitment difficulties are impacting on the experience of rehabilitation, for both staff and service users.
Working NEAR the brink
Kat Wheatley on compassionate leadership as an antidote to burnout in Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners.
Jason Price 1971-2022
A tribute from the British Psychological Society's Division of Neuropsychology.
Professor Peter Warr 1937–2023
A tribute by colleagues from The Institute of Work Psychology, Sheffield University Management School.
You’ve got two minutes to explain a psychological topic to a non-psychologist…
…what would it be? We asked on Twitter…