The Psychologist, September 2019
Schooling the good citizen
Schooling the good citizen
Schooling the good citizen
Our editor Jon Sutton introduces a special collection on psychological attempts to shift attitudes and behaviour amongst the next generation.
From the Chief Executive, September 2019
The latest from Sarb Bajwa.
Supporting invisible parents
Dr Charlotte Whiteley writes.
Highlighting comorbidities
Ruby Ramsden writes.
Being Muslim in clinical psychology
Tasmeah Zain writes.
Jim Drewery 1927-2019
An appreciation from Maggie Cormack.
Double empathy and autism
Jacqui Price writes.
Reflecting diversity
Professor Jeune Guishard-Pine, OBE writes.
The limits of our actions
Rose Kent writes.
Modernising the Mental Health Act
Sophie Carruthers writes.
Harmful masculinity narratives
Meltem Osman and A.J. Walker write.
A role in auditing Hans Eysenck?
Andrew M. Colman, David F. Marks, Chris McVittie and Dr Richard Smith write, and the Society replies.
Teaching individuals gender equality and respect
Dan O’Hare is a Chartered Educational Psychologist working for an English Local Authority and as a Teaching Fellow at the University of Bristol. He currently volunteers with TIGER, a Bristol-based cooperative, mostly delivering workshops in schools.
The monstrous inflation of diagnosis
'D for Diagnosis' on BBC Radio 4, reviewed by Kate Johnstone.
‘It’s a film about choice and dignity and capacity as human beings’
Ella Rhodes attends a screening and discussion around '55 Steps', directed by Bille August.
An exploration of far-right extremism in the UK today
Sarah Knight watches.
Observing, sense-making and perspective-taking
'Values in psychological science: Re-imagining epistemic priorities at a new frontier', by Lisa M. Osbeck (Cambridge University Press; £80); reviewed by Phil Loring.
Textbook histories
'A History of Modern Psychology' by Per Saugstad (Cambridge University Press; Hb £115), and 'Our Minds, Our Selves: A Brief History of Psychology' by Keith Oatley (Princeton University Press; Hb £24); reviewed by Adrian C. Brock.
Developing a therapeutic family
British Psychological Society’s Division of Counselling Psychology annual award for Community and Carer Involvement.
School targeted by protesters wins BPS community award
Ella Rhodes reports.
Building resilience to radicalisation
Lynn Davies on efforts to create a world where ‘everyone is an insider’.
One on one... with Dr Martina Gerada
We dip into the Society member database and pick…Dr Martina Gerada counselling psychologist in private practice & lecturer at City University of London.
A history of stigma
Kellye McBride on how Foucault’s ideas around confinement and civilisation can help to change views of mental illness.
Breaking down barriers
Pooky Knightsmith on school-based approaches to mental health.
Difficult conversations in the SpeakEasy
Annie Brookman-Byrne and Jon Sutton report from psychology-themed events at Latitude Festival in Henham Park, Suffolk.
‘It’s a real critical period around gender’
Sarah Davidson is Consultant Clinical Psychologist for the Gender Identity Development Service at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Our editor Jon Sutton poses the questions.
Civic and political engagement in young people
Martyn Barrett and Dimitra Pachi look beyond voting, at what schools can do to encourage active citizenship.
Imagine all the people
Siân Jones considers contact interventions and prejudice towards immigrants in schools.
A recipe for taste connoisseurs
Can schools teach children lessons in healthy eating? Helen Coulthard looks at the evidence…
On the global stage
Jon Sutton reports from a BPS-organised symposium at the European Congress of Psychology in Moscow.
‘I feel I can make a positive contribution at what is a critical time’
David Murphy took over as President of the British Psychological Society at the AGM in July. Here, Dr Roman Raczka (the British Psychological Society’s Division of Clinical Psychology England Lead) interviewed him for the DCP London newsletter, with additional question [starred] for The Psychologist.
Practical examples of positive prevention
Jon Sutton reports from a British Psychological Society organised session at the European Congress of Psychology in Moscow.
Turning the tanker of child mental health
Ella Rhodes reports from a British Psychological Society organised symposium at the European Congress of Psychology in Moscow.
‘If young people don’t see themselves in psychology…’
Ella Rhodes reports from the European Congress of Psychology in Moscow.
Queer approaches to depathologisation
In this 'long read' chapter from her new book 'Queer Ink: A Blotted History Towards Liberation', Katherine Hubbard considers the contributions of Evelyn Hooker and June Hopkins.
Why we need to make birth better
To mark Birth Trauma Awareness Week, Dr Emma Svanberg outlines a model of birth trauma and efforts to raise awareness and share stories.
Seeking accuracy before balance
Our Deputy Editor Annie Brookman-Byrne reports from the World Conference of Science Journalists in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Moving Psychological Science Forward in Europe
Michael Smith (Northumbria University) reports from the European Congress of Psychology in Moscow: on a European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations Board of Scientific Affairs symposium.
'With sport, you know how good you are'
Ian Walker talks to Ella Rhodes as he gears up for a World Record attempt. [Spoiler alert: He did it!]