The Psychologist, January 2019
More than a gut feeling
More than a gut feeling
New initiatives for working with suicide and self-harm
Ella Rhodes reports.
Featured job: Various psychologists, Elysium Healthcare
We hear from Karen Howell, Head of Psychology at Chadwick Lodge Forensic Mental Health Hospital, Milton Keynes, and North Region Head of Profession for Elysium Healthcare group.
From the Chief Executive, January 2019
Sarb Bajwa writes.
Five minutes with… Dr Leah Maizey
Ella Rhodes asks the questions.
Get me out of here
Ella Rhodes reports on a BPS-sponsored event.
Helping policy makers understand obesity
Ella Rhodes reports from a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Psychology.
The last question
Ella Rhodes on the latest from the Edge.
Communicating security
Ella Rhodes reports from the British Psychological Society's Military Psychology conference.
Young people making an exhibition of themselves
Alina Ivan on Southeast London as a hotbed of psychological creativity.
Gender ’balance’ – proceed with care
Terri Apter on the latest Royal Shakespeare Company approach to Troilus and Cressida.
The struggle continues
'55 Steps', a film by director Bille August, reviewed by Peter Kinderman.
Two heads may be better than one, but why?
Uta Frith and Chris Frith visit ‘Modern Couples’ at the Barbican.
Joseph Duffy (1957–2018)
An appreciation.
Freda Levinson (1931–2018)
An appreciation.
Ditching offending labels
Ewen Scott writes.
Investing ethically
Mark Burton, Carolyn Kagan, Francis Vergunst - long-term advocates of divestment in terms of the Society's investment policy - welcome recent news.
Climate change – is psychology up to the challenge?
Frederick Toates writes.
Family identity
A response to an article in our November edition.
Expressing political disapproval
A letter from our January edition.
The Brexit carnival
Peter Collett with a letter from our January edition; plus a response.
Timely and fascinating
'Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Culture Wires Our Minds, Shapes Our Nations, and Drives Our Differences' by Michele J. Gelfand (Robinson; Pb £13.99). Reviewed by Louise Beaton.
A tour of contemporary emotion research
'The Neuroscience of Emotion' by Ralph Adolphs & David J. Anderson (Princeton University Press; Hb £35.00). Reviewed by Carolyn Saund.
Time for a change of mind
'Abolishing the Concept of Mental Illness: Rethinking the Nature of Our Woes' by Richard Hallam (Routledge; Pb £31.99). Reviewed by Paul Moloney.
A book that shaped me…Quirky Kids
Pearlaine Christabel (Chrissie) Fitch.
Plenty of food for thought
'MeeTwo Teenage Mental Help Handbook' by Suzi Godson (Ed.) (MeeTwo Education; Pb £12.00). Reviewed by Jon Sutton; with online-only Q&A with the author.
‘It was an exciting time to be a cognitive psychologist’
We speak to Alan Baddeley, Professor at the University of York, about his new book Working Memories: Postmen, Divers and the Cognitive Revolution (Routledge).
Walking through snow to get to work
Joe MacDonagh on the Hawthorne Studies – the origins of modern organisational research.
Y is for… Yerkes–Dodson law
The Psychologist A to Z continues.
A Little Life – but a profound story
Martin Milton on what psychologists can learn from the Hanya Yanigihara novel.
‘I’ve read every word of more than 240 consecutive issues of The Psychologist’
One on one… with Peter Dillon-Hooper, who this month retires from the BPS and his post as Assistant Editor of The Psychologist after more than 20 years of service.
‘It’s an intriguing world that is opening up'
Jon Sutton meets Sarah Garfinkel at the annual conference of the Psychobiology Section.
Transforming knowledge about human behaviour
The Human Behaviour Change Project team on a unique collaboration between behavioural and computer scientists.
More than a gut feeling
John F. Cryan addressed the annual conference of the British Psychological Society’s Psychobiology Section.
‘We seek to liberate people’
Ian Florance hears from Tony Page – self-employed Chartered Psychologist and author – about our ‘mistaken craving for freedom’.
Hope, control and opportunity
Thea Fitch talks to Ian Florance about her move from homelessness and eating disorders to becoming a psychologist working at the Recovery and Wellbeing College.
The memory alchemists turning rain to gold
We meet Hilde and Ylva Østby, to hear about their 'Adventures in Memory', and run an exclusive chapter from the book.
Doctor in the house
Pauline Meyer visits 'Living with Buildings', an exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in London.