The Psychologist, August 2019
‘It doesn’t have to be this way’
‘It doesn’t have to be this way’
Opening up rich conversations
Exhibition: Art and Value at Bethlem Gallery from 12th June – 31st August.
Featured job: Applied Psychologists
Employer: The Fens Service, HMP Whitemoor
My shelfie… David Carless
Professor of Narrative Psychology, Leeds Beckett University.
Privileging the voices of young adults
Applied Educational Psychology with 16-25 year olds, by Brian Apter, Christopher Arnold, and Julia Hardy (eds) (UCL IOE Press; pb £25.99). Reviewed by Dr Miles Thomas.
Struggles, hope and opportunity
Girls and Autism: Educational, Family and Personal Perspectives, by Barry Carpenter, Francesca Happé and Jo Egerton (eds) (Routledge; pb £29.99). Reviewed by Eloise.
‘Games have helped me a lot throughout my life’
Dr Pete Etchells is Reader in Psychology and Science Communication at Bath Spa University. Annie Brookman-Byrne asked Pete to tell us about his first book, Lost in a Good Game: Why We Play Video Games and What They Can Do For Us.
The double empathy problem in care
Professor Rita Jordan writes.
From the Chief Executive, August 2019
The latest from Sarb Bajwa.
An estranged relationship
Dr Venetia Leonidaki on the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme.
Something about nothing
Sara Goodier writes.
Unrealistic expectations of clients
Benjamin Kwapong in a continuing discussion.
The last straw?
Professor Neil Verrall on evolving forms of protest.
Closing the BAME attainment gap
Professor Binna Kandola OBE, Guilaine Kinouani, Dr Joanna Wilde and Dr Grace Mansah-Owusu write.
Making best practice better for emergency service personnel
Ella Rhodes reports.
Support for student research
The BPS has awarded 19 stipends to undergraduate researchers. Ella Rhodes reports.
Making maths better
Ella Rhodes on the new Centre for Mathematical Cognition at Loughborough University.
New immersive cognition laboratory
Ella Rhodes on the new Centre for Immersive Technologies at the University of Leeds.
Preventing sexual violence at university
Ella Rhodes on an evaluation of higher education safeguarding projects.
Every mind matters?
Ella Rhodes on the government's prevention plan.
Creating compassionate NHS organisations
Annie Brookman-Byrne speaks to Maria Kordowicz.
Between the psychological and the extreme
Sally Marlow visits Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition at the Design Museum.
‘This is the moment when everything is changing'
Ian Florance meets Simon Bignell – a founder of the Society’s new Cyberpsychology Section.
‘We live in a hugely psychologised society’
Juliet Foster talked to Ian Florance about her new role as Chair of the Society’s Education and Training Board.
One on one… with Caroline Foster
We dip into the Society member database and pick out Caroline Foster, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
‘It doesn’t have to be this way’
Michael West, Professor of Organisational Psychology (Lancaster University Management School) and Visiting Fellow with the King’s Fund, spoke with Ella Rhodes to outline three major projects he is involved with for one of the largest employers in the world – the NHS.
Shattering the self
Ella Rhodes on the contradictory nature of the self.
'It sends an important message'
Recognition for two psychologists in the Queen's Birthday Honours list. Ella Rhodes reports.
Donald Campbell (1940-2019)
An appreciation.
Me and Monotropism: A unified theory of autism
Fergus Murray – science teacher, writer and 'autist' – on single attention and associated cognition in autism; a theory with a family connection…
Autism in women
Eloise looks under the radar.