The Psychologist, March 2017
A brave new world of sleep?
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A brave new world of sleep?
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Universalise that human experience
Editor Jon Sutton reviews a new album from Roger Goula, titled 'Overview effect'.
Ruling the airwaves
Our editor Jon Sutton pauses to appreciate two long-running psychological BBC Radio 4 programmes – Digital Human and All in the Mind.
Frederick O'Neal Roach 1945-2017
An appreciation from his son.
C is for… Children
The Psychologist A to Z continues.
Featured Job: Two psychologists for autism service, Midlands Psychology
Making a difference
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Uta Frith and Richard Nisbett reveal the roots and fruits of their most famous contributions, introduced by Robert Sternberg; plus online extras, from Adrian Furnham, Michael Gazzaniga and Susan Fiske.
‘The turf wars in psychology have been as intellectually silly as they have been disastrous’
Frederick Toates takes Lance Workman through his 40-year career with the Open University, discussing the ‘wanting vs. liking’ distinction, the state of higher education, and much more.
The impact of revenge
Ella Rhodes reports on reaction to a study covered on our Research Digest blog.
A brave new world of sleep?
Gareth Gaskell reviews the evidence on memory consolidation during sleep.
5 minutes with… Vivian Hill
Ella Rhodes spoke to the Chair of the British Psychological Society's Division of Educational and Child Psychology, Vivian Hill, who also trains educational psychologists at the Institute of Education (UCL).
Attachment – public and scientific discourse
Following Professor Elizabeth Meins' article in the January issue, the debate continues.
President’s letter March 2017
Peter Kinderman writes.
President’s letter March 2017
Peter Kinderman writes.
Psychologists honoured
Ella Rhodes reports on the new year list.
Ups and downs of space flight
Ella Rhodes reports from an event at the Science Museum.
Tipping point for glass cliff
The phrase, born out of psychological research, was a contender for 'word of the year'. Ella Rhodes speaks to Michelle Ryan.
On the Edge of knowledge
What scientific term or concept ought to be more widely known? It's the annual Edge question, with lots of psychologist contributors. Ella Rhodes reports.
Psychologists and Donald Trump
Ella Rhodes and Jon Sutton report.
A brief history of thinking ourselves insane
Huw Green with a historical take on agency in madness.
‘When I dare myself to step forward, I reap the rewards’
Dr Daisy Best is a Chartered Psychologist with North Yorkshire Psychological Therapies Ltd., Programme Director for the Doctorate in Counselling Psychology at Teesside University and Training Lead for the Division of Counselling Psychology within the British Psychological Society.
My brief encounter with the American dream
Gabriela Misca on her Fulbright year in the USA.
Children of alcoholism
Alan Price, a postgraduate at the University of Salford, on the hidden epidemic of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and traumatic childhood experiences.
The dynamic world of addiction and recovery
Katie East watches Danny Boyle's T2: Trainspotting.
Fright without solution?
Dr Alexandra Stein watches BBC Two's 'The Cult Next Door'.
A novel fusion of art and science
Clinical Neuropsychologists Siobhan Palmer and Jo Johnson visit an exhibition from the London Brain Project.
Why aren't we beating bullying?
In an online exclusive for Antibullying Week, Stephen James Minton argues that attending to prejudice is the key to improving anti-bullying research and action.
Silence, power, evidence and a debate with no clear answers
The debate on mental health revelations in The Psychologist continues.