The Psychologist, March 2016
The survival secrets of solitaries
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The survival secrets of solitaries
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
Book reviews March 2016
Including 'Anxious' by Joseph LeDoux.
Exploring the many faces of dementia
Ella Rhodes reports on a new online course.
New research programme in communication
Jon Sutton reports.
Caveat lector
Colin Cooper's book, Intelligence and Human Abilities: Structure, Origins and Applications, reviewed.
When words are not enough
Kate Johnstone reviews 'Oog', an offering from the London International Mime Festival.
Don’t stop at the headline!
Ella Rhodes reports on the winners of a new competition.
Check the government’s evidence
Ella Rhodes reports.
CANparent research results
Researchers from the University of Warwick lead a trial of parenting classes. Ella Rhodes reports.
Art and science in ‘The Waiting Room’
Ella Rhodes reports on some novel public engagement from the University of Bath.
Discipline in the classroom
The discussion continues.
Be persistent on diversity
A letter from our March edition.
Emeritus Professor Gerald A. Randell FBPsS (1930–2015)
An appreciation.
5 minutes with… Dr Emily Glorney
Society representative on the Law Commission report on fitness to plead tests.
PDA – consider the evidence
The debate continues.
Schizophrenia and biology
Letters respond to Patrick Vesey.
Video gaming – are we asking the right questions?
A letter from our March edition.
President’s Letter March 2016
The latest from Professor Jamie Hacker Hughes.
Finding a path to peace
Letters respond to our February feature.
Tailoring the treatment
A letter from our March edition.
Time for insulting reviews to stop
James A. Grange with the lead letter from our March edition.
Instilling scientific rigour at the grassroots
A letter from our March edition advocates consortium-based undergraduate projects.
Letting in the light
Image by George Harding. Words by Victoria Tischler. Review by Kate Johnstone.
One on one… with Roxane L. Gervais
‘We all work for a common purpose’
Dealing with confrontations
Steven Brown (Glasgow Caledonian University) reflects on a PhD defined by conflict.
The centenary of a maverick
Philip J. Corr on the life and work of Hans J. Eysenck.
New voices: Live long or live well?
Evelyn Barron with the latest in our series for budding writers (see www.bps.org.uk/newvoices for more information)
‘Changing language is a form of intervention’
Ian Florance talks to Elizabeth Peel (University of Worcester).
‘Tears were and still are crucial for our functioning’
Ad Vingerhoets speaks to Gail Kinman.
New frontiers of family
Naomi Moller and Victoria Clarke explore embryo donation and voluntary childlessness.
Understanding the experience of imprisonment
Joel Harvey considers the role of the psychologist.
The emperor’s new clothes?
Graham Towl and David Crighton consider sex offender treatment and the ‘New Public Management’ trend.
Rehabilitation – writing a new story
Adrian Needs considers the importance of process and context in turning prisoners’ lives around.
From the Research Digest March 2016
A selection from our blog.
The survival secrets of solitaries
Ian O’Donnell finds resilience and growth in a most unlikely environment.