The Psychologist, March 2014
Voices of the vulnerable
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Voices of the vulnerable
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
President’s column; Lifetime Achievement; coaching psychology; specialist registers; and more
New Voices: Is it time for active procrastination?
Anna Abramowski with the latest in our series for budding writers.
Interview: "People have been ignoring the body for a long time"
Our editor Jon Sutton spoke to cognitive neuroscientist and ‘master of illusion’ Henrik Ehrsson at last year’s European Congress of Psychology in Stockholm.
Voices of the vulnerable
Broadcaster, journalist and psychology student Sian Williams reports from the frontline on the responsibilities of broadcasters towards those they interview
Secular ecstasies
Ray McBride investigates the phenomenon and what it could mean for mainstream psychology.
The times they are a-changin
Angelica Ronald, winner of the Spearman Medal 2012, looks at autism spectrum disorder and ADHD in the light of revisions to diagnostic procedures.
Humanitarian work psychology
Stuart C. Carr and Malcolm MacLachlan present a manifesto for tackling global inequalities at work.
News: What scientific ideas are ready for retirement?
Which scientific ideas are ready for retirement?; APA interrogation decision; the ‘next big thing’ in psychology; HM’s brain; and more
Stereotype threat; how happiness changes your personality; and tickling, in the latest from our free Research Digest (see www.bps.org.uk/psychologist)
Letters: the hidden mental pain of men
The hidden mental pain of men; mental health action plan and IAPT; Julian Rotter; social justice; population pressures; parental alienation; and more
Big Picture: Art in the asylum
Art in the asylum: ‘I spit on life’ (1953/54) by William Kurelek, courtesy of the Adamson Collection London (copyright estate of William Kurelek and Wynick/Tuck Gallery Toronto). Words by Victoria Tischler, Chartered Psychologist and curator of ‘Art in the Asylum’.
One on one... with Shira Elqayam
Reader in Cognitive Science and Research Lead for Psychology at De Montfort University
Looking back: Out from the shadows
Tadhg MacIntyre, Aidan Moran and Mark Campbell shed light on the origins of psychology in Ireland.
A 3D audioscape with Martyn Ware
Plus the usual mix of books and other media reviews, including National Geographic, Inside the Animal Mind; the untold story of Milgram’s shock experiments; and the Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Seizing the day
Ian Florance talks to Claire Halsey, Chartered Psychologist, author and broadcaster, about camels, writing and more; plus Mike Bender tells us about 'self-publishing without illusions'; and Edward Howard describes his journey to becoming an assistant psychologist.