The Psychologist, March 2013
The globalisation of mental illness
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The globalisation of mental illness
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Access to PDFs of Psychologist issues is restricted to members of the society. Join us to enjoy this and a host of other benefits.
‘I’ve just followed what interested me at the time’
Ian Florance meets Mick Billig, Professor of Social Science at Loughborough University.
One on One... with Shivani Sharma
Associate Dean and Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire
Looking back: Rewriting the rest cure in The Secret Garden
Anne Stiles discovers a fascinating commentary on mind and body in illness in the work of Frances Hodgson Burnett.
New Voices: Parenting next door to the bogeyman
Suzanne Dash with the latest in our series for budding writers.
Talk in slow motion
Ian Florance talks to Elizabeth Stokoe, Professor of Social Interaction at Loughborough University.
Interview: Children and technology
Jon Sutton talks to Nicola Yuill (University of Sussex).
The long reach of the gene
Gary Lewis and Timothy Bates discuss genetic influence on politics, prejudice and religiosity
Involuntary autobiographical memories
Rosemary J. Bradley, Chris J.A. Moulin and Lia Kvavilashvili with some surprising findings and implications.
Big picture - ‘A mind that can’t help spotting patterns'
Image by Jon Adams, with comment from Simon Baron-Cohen.
How power affects the brain
Ian H. Robertson on what he has dubbed the ‘winner effect’.
The globalisation of mental illness
Ross White considers the issue.
Reviews, March 2013
terrorist’s creed; My Mad Fat Diary; Les Misérables; How to Build a Bionic Man; and apps, radio, and more in our broader section
News, March 2013
what should we worry about?; psychosocial support in Algeria; fMRI retrospective; cosmetic surgery; the gorilla on the lung; reports from the Society’s Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference.
Society, March 2013
President’s column; Fellowship; North West/North East of England Branch Conference; and more.
Letters, March 2013
Qualitative research and the REF; rape in India; intelligence; diagnosis; new environmental ‘Forum’ column; and more